Stiles's dad was dead. So was Max. So was his mom, so was his brother, so was his love.
Stiles drove to his house. The house has been boxed up and it was mostly empty, even the fridge was empty. Stiles was too skinny for his own good, he never looked at his reflection. He hated himself with his whole broken heart. He wanted to cry and to laugh but neither were possible, he had his sister's number in his hand, he read it so many times he practically memorized it.
He gulped down a whole bottle of whiskey, barely affecting him. His knee gave out and Stiles fell to the floor, hitting his head harshly, ringing occupied his ears, not that, that was uncommon, just very frustrating.
His knee made an agonizing sound, making Stiles wince. The house phone rang, Stiles limped and answered the phone.
'Hey, Stiles.'
"What's up, Scott?"
'Do you wanna come to the Hale house?'
"Why would I go?"
'We have our new big bad, I thought we could all get together and figure out how to stop it. Lydia and Malia are on their ways.'
"Sure, I'll be there in five."
'Okay, see you then.' Scott hangs up the phone, Stiles throws the glass bottle at the wall, crushing on impact.
Stiles's knee hurt, it fucking hurt. He popped some painkillers in his mouth that they had gave him if the pain was too much.
Stiles drove to the Hale house, and limped in and the pack was yelling.
"It's a vampire!" Scott yelled. "Vampires don't exist!" Lydia responded, that was for a good five minutes until they had realized that Stiles arrived.
The scent of bourbon hit them strong but also the scent of nicotine and drugs, opioids.
"Stiles, vampires real or fake?" Lydia asked, "Depends on which type you're asking of?" Stiles responded, his speech clear and not slurred like they had expected it. Stiles was leaning on the wall, so his knee didn't have any pressure.
"Meaning?" Peter asked. "The twilight vampires are fake. So is Dracula and every story like that." Stiles responded. "But?" Scott asked hopefully. "Vampires are real. Just not how Hollywood made them out to be."
"What do you know about vampires?" Chris asked. "Not much." Stiles responded. "But you do know something, can you tell us what?"
Stiles sighed, leaning his head to the wall, he closed his eyes entering his mind palace.
In his mind palace he looked for vampires. He found the information he was looking for and opened his eyes. The pack was looking at him weirdly and Stiles started to speak.
"Vampires were created by a witch: Esther Mikaelson, they were created to bring revenge on werewolves, another type." "There is another type of werewolves?" Liam asked, "Yes, this type of werewolves is called type A or Cursed Wolves." Stiles explains.
"They called them cursed wolves because they are born with it and the curse starts as soon as they take a human life, they break every bone in their body every full moon, it must fucking hurt." Stiles added,
"Well continuing with the vampires. Esther made her children into vampires; they began killing and she forgot about her fourth son. Nikalus, he was a hybrid, a werewolf and a vampire, because Esther had an affair, so when he began killing...." Stiles trails off. "His curse activated." Lydia realized.
"Yeah, well Mikael, Esther's husband wasn't too happy and well he began beating the crap out of him and he made Esther bound his werewolf nature." Stiles said.
"This family became the Original vampires, their names were: Freya Mikaelson, she was a witch, not a vampire and she was the firstborn, then: Finn Mikaelson, I don't know anything about him then there is: Elijah Mikaelson, he is the noble sibling, and he always wears suits. Then there is Niklaus who is like I said, a hybrid but he is very unhinged, Then Kol who is the fun sibling, he was a witch once, I think... and then there is Rebekah, she just wanted to be human and then there is Henrik he was the one who died because of werewolves making all the dominos fall." Stiles finishes explaining.
"How do you know all that?" Isaac asked. "I read it when Peter bit Scott." "And you remembered it?" Lydia asked. "Yep, ADHD and all that."
"Okay so now that we finished that...( he turns to Stiles) why do you smell like drugs, alcohol and cigarettes?" Peter asks. "Why do you care?" Stiles retorts.
"Because it changes your smell, and it bothers every wolf in the pack." Derek interrupted.
Stiles rolls his eyes and scoffs. Scott began sniffing him and Stiles said. "Wow, dude I know we are close, but this is my personal space, and you are really not my type."
"Opioids..." Scott said. "Are you doing drugs?" Lydia asked, coming closer. "Not right now." Stiles responds, the pack looks at him with concern. "Your scent says something different."
"Since when do you do stuff like this? Since when do you get high or smoke or drink?" Scott asked.
"Since you came back. " Allison says. "It's a little sad you guys realize this now. I've been smoking since I was fourteen, I can drink whenever I want, and my choice of drugs is cocaine and marijuana not pills." Stiles bites out. "So, you do, do drugs." Malia says.
"It was a joke. I've never done drugs. And the opioids you guys smell are painkillers, assholes." Stiles spits out.
"Prove it." Chris says. "Fuck this, I don't need it." Stiles goes to leave but Scott grabs Stiles's arm, Stiles's scent sours and Scott's eyes widen at the pain his best friend is in. Stiles flinches underneath Scott's touch and turns around, He hits Scott in the nose and says, "Don't fucking touch me." He leaves.
A few minutes after Stiles left Kira came bursting in holding a cupcake and a present. "Where is Stiles?" She asked. "He left." Derek growled out. "Oh." "Did you need him?" Lydia asks. "No, I just wanted to wish him a happy birthday." She says. "Fuck." Scott curses.

FanfictionWhat if Thomas got tired of being the hero? He already lost everything. And now he has to pretend He has to pretend to be a teenager who has already broken but no one knew. He has to pretend that breathing doesn't hurt. He has to pretend he wants t...