After six months they found out that Stiles was the new vigilante, he barely worked with them.
He told Felicity that he was her brother and she welcomed him with open arms, Jackson and him had become great friends.
Stiles got blasted by a witch and that activated some side effects from the Nogitsune.
He could control shadows and light, get into people's head, he had magic. There were four types of magic: Elemental magic, it was a good magic, peaceful. Shadow magic, that included getting into the shadow realm, Blood magic, that was one of the most dangerous one along with Chaos magic, the more he used that the more the side effects affected him.
The team found out of Stiles's magic accidentally, he told them the types and they made him swear he would never use blood or chaos magic.
He told Malcolm everything and he gave him a book, a grimoire of sorts. He also warned Stiles about the dangers.
One day the team and Stiles were fighting against Slade. Stiles knew that elemental magic wouldn't be enough, so he grabbed his katana, black fire surrounding the blade and he struck.
He stabbed him but it wasn't enough. The team was incapacitated, knocked out. Stiles was fighting Slade and Damien Black. He used Chaos magic; it took a toll on him, but he fought.
He used a magic shield to protect himself from their attacks, Slade injected something into Stiles and both Slade and Black disappeared. He grabbed everyone and shadowed travel back to the 'headquarters.'
Everyone except Stiles was on the medbay. He was absorbing their pain; his blood was boiling, and he felt like passing out.
A few hours later they all woke up. They saw that Stiles was passed out in a chair, they also saw the bags beneath his eyes and the paleness of his skin. He looked dead, they saw the beads of sweat collecting on his furrowed eyebrows. Like feeling their eyes on him he woke up. "You guys woke up." He said softly. "How long have we've been out?" Oliver asked, Stiles checks his phone, "A few hours."
They all went to the cortex were Felicity kissed Oliver and they got back to work. "What happened after we got knocked out?" Curtis asked, Stiles was about to answer when he began coughing, he steadied himself with the desk as he got control. His lips were tinted with blood when he said, "Not much." Stiles shrugged.
Felicity checked up on his younger brother, "Are you okay?" She asked, "I'm fine." He sighed. She placed a hand on his forehead, not caring that he flinched. Stiles eyes rolled to the back of his head as he passed out.
Before he hit the ground, Roy caught him. They place him on the medbay and wondered what happened. "He overexerted himself." Malcolm said. "He'll be fine, he just needs to rest. He needs to sleep for at least six hours." Malcolm added.
Malcolm left and then after thirty minutes Stiles woke up, he honestly felt like crap, he felt a bit like after The Last City. He began to leave but Diggle stopped him. "Where are you going?" Diggle asked. "To my house." "You should get some rest." "So should you." Stiles countered, "I'm not the one who passed out." "I'm not the one who got knocked out."
"I'm fine, Diggle if anything changes, I'll call you." Stiles left. He felt sick. He felt someone hit him in the back of his head.
Barry was walking home when someone knocked him out. So was Kara, So was Sarah, So was Cisco and Caitlin and Felicity and Roy and Mon-El and so was Oliver.
They all woke up in an island, one too familiar for Oliver.
"Where are we?" Roy asked. "Lian Yu." Oliver whispered.

FanfictionWhat if Thomas got tired of being the hero? He already lost everything. And now he has to pretend He has to pretend to be a teenager who has already broken but no one knew. He has to pretend that breathing doesn't hurt. He has to pretend he wants t...