couples costume, mitch marner

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𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 . . . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ❪ hockey imagines ❫
❝ we found wonderland. ❞
© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 ━━ -danify ゚𐦍༘⋆


in which [y/n] and mitch are
in a debate on the best
couples costumes

s.her reader | fluff | romantic

"Absolutely not." You shot down yet another one of Mitch's costume ideas. He groaned dramatically while tossing the printed-out picture in the air.

The two of you have been going back and forth about a couple's costume for Halloween. Auston was unfortunately forced into this debate as well. Every time he suggested putting a pin in the conversation and saving it for another day, he was instantly shut up by your and Mitch's glares.

"[Y/n] you're no fun!" Mitch shouted.

"I don't want to dress up as boobs!" You shouted back.

The idea you turned down was a picture of a couple wearing white t-shirts and giant plastic balls tucked under the shirt with scarves wrapped partially around their bodies. When the couple stood together, it looked like a female wearing a bra or bikini. Mitch was all for the idea but you wanted something cute and pretty.

Auston snickered to himself. He began imagining you and Mitch wearing the costume and couldn't help but laugh. You glared at him before turning back to Mitch.

"Mitch seriously, I don't wanna dress up as that."

Flopping onto the sofa and landing gracefully beside you, Mitch crossed his arms over his chest. He turned his head towards you with a big pout on his face. You couldn't help but find him adorable in that moment. He looked like a puppy. But, you weren't going to cave in.

"I love you but I'm not dressing up as boobs in a bikini." You say to him. Trying your best to muster up a serious voice.

"It's boobs in a bra." He replies sassily.

The two of you had a long silence flow between you before you both burst out in laughter. Auston had wandered away from the living room but could still hear you guys from the distance. Mitch nearly had tears in his eyes.

"What are we gonna be?" You ask him softly. Your hand found its way to his own.

Mitch released a breath before giving you a lazy smile. "Whatever you want. Just make sure we look sexy." He wiggles his eyebrows seductively.

𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝, hockey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now