new years, jack hughes

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𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 . . . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ❪ hockey imagines ❫
❝ we found wonderland. ❞
© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 ━━ -danify ゚𐦍༘⋆


in which [y/n] and jack
share a new years kiss.

s.her reader | fluff | romantic 

You wandered around the large house. Each corner was filled with people. Conversations overpowered the blaring music that echoed from the large speakers in the living room. You had arrived at the house about an hour ago; your friends wanted to go to a party for the countdown. Since you had no plans aside from watching the countdown on the TV in your room, you decided to tag along. You threw on a skin-tight ruby red dress that perfectly fit your curves in all the right places. It left a good amount of imagination for those who eyed you up and down.

After dancing for quite some time, you grew tired and thirsty. You weren't one to drink so instead, you opted for a bottle of water that you brought. You left your friends on the man-made dance floor and explored the house. Trying to find somewhere less crowded and quiet.

You made your way up the stairs. Occasionally, you had to step to the side as drunk twenty-year-olds stumbled down the stairs with torn clothes, smeared makeup, and the smell of throwing up all over them. You had to scrunch your nose at the disgusting mixture of vomit and vodka in the bathroom as you walked by it.

Carefully, you opened each door in the hallway. Hoping to find an empty room that had no one else inside. To your luck, you found one on your first try. It was a decent size and was neatly organized. Hockey sticks were leaning against the wall near the window, and a collection of trophies on multiple shelves. You saw a sliding door a little past the bed and noticed the balcony that connected to the room.

You quickly made your way to the doors and stepped out onto the balcony. Fresh air instantly greeted you, making you sigh in relief. It felt amazing. You neared the edge of the balcony, placing your arms on the railing as you looked at the view. There was a lake right in front of you. The water shimmered with the multi-colored lights that flowed from the house to the sand that surrounded the dock. There were a few people outside, most of them sitting on beach chairs or in the sand. Some were swimming around in the lake, most likely skinny dipping.

You took a sip of your water and hummed to yourself. Glancing down at the watch on your wrist, it was ten minutes until the clock struck twelve. Ten minutes until the new year begins.

"Nice view, huh?" A voice questioned from behind you. Your body jumped for a moment as if it took a screenshot. You whipped your head around, your eyes landed on a brown-haired male. His eyes looked you up and down before completely settling on your face.

"It's pretty." You respond.

The male behind you moved up, adjusting himself to lean against your back. His arms wrapped around your torso. You felt his warmth flood against your chilled skin.

"You disappeared on me downstairs. I thought you left." Jack whispers against your ear.

You let your body lean into his grasp. The way his voice felt against your neck nearly made you crumble. "It got too crowded. I needed some space."

"Are you feeling better now?" He asks.

You nod slowly, letting your eyes close. Jack's hands soothingly rubbed your arms. He knew that you tend to get anxious in crowds. He knew that holding you tightly was something that calmed your nerves. It was also something that he loved to do. He loved everything about you.

"15 seconds till midnight!" Someone shouted from outside.

You turn your body to the side so you can study Jack's face. His eyes instantly locked into yours. A smile etched across his soft features. You watch as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. His fingers gently trace the outline of your face as he leans closer to your lips.



"Have I told you how beautiful you look tonight?" Jack questions.

Pretending to think you give him a little shrug. "Hm, maybe. You might have to remind me once again."


Jack laughs, "You're trouble, you know that?"

"I thought you liked trouble, no?"



"I like you," Jack replies.



As the strike of a firework bursting in the sky, Jack pulls you into a tight and passionate kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in tighter; if that was even possible.

You could feel Jack smiling against your lips causing a smile to break free onto yours. Jack pulled back, breaking the kiss. He rested his forehead against yours, an expression filled with love was plastered all over his face.

"Happy New Year, babe." He says.

"Happy New Year, Jack."


word count:: 867

hope you enjoyed <3
this is very late... but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
thank you so much for 10k reads!! that's absolutely insane hello?? i promise that i will be more active with this imagines book, stay tuned for more ;)

𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 . . . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ❪ hockey imagines ❫
❝ we found wonderland. ❞
    © 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 ━━ -danify ゚𐦍༘⋆

𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝, hockey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now