confession, timo meier

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𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 . . . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ❪ hockey imagines ❫
❝ we found wonderland. ❞
© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 ━━ -danify ゚𐦍༘⋆


in which timo's family pays a visit
and finds out about his secret.

s.her reader | fluff | platonic + romantic

Timo's heart anxiously pounded against his chest. He had received a call from his mother about an hour ago, informing him that she and his father had landed at the airport in New Jersey; ready to spend some time with their son.

As much as Timo was happy and thankful for their surprise trip, he was slightly nervous. His parents sat in the back of his car, both of them nearly asleep as the jet lag had kicked in. His eyes drifted from the road to the rearview mirror. Timo was heading in the direction of his apartment.

The unexpected visit didn't give him any time to clean up or prepare himself. The one thing that left him nervous was you.

You and Timo had recently gotten together. It had only been two months since you made your relationship official. Both of you were happy with your choice and being together, however, you both wanted to keep your relationship quiet since it was still in its early stages.

Timo didn't get the opportunity to send you a warning text (telling you to pause your plans for stopping by). His parents were on the back of his heels. When he parked his car in his designated spot, his parents woke up. Timo nearly sighed in relief when he didn't spot your car in the visitor's space.

He helped his parents bring their belongings upstairs. Both of them hold groggy expressions. Unlocking the door, Timo placed his parent's suitcases against the wall and pointed in the direction of the spare bedroom.

"Down the hall, the first door to your left is the guest bedroom. You two can rest in there if you're still tired." Timo says to his parents.

His mother smiled and nodded, his father was already bolting in the direction of the room. He needed to finish sleeping off the jet lag.

"Thank you, sweetie." His mom said in her usual soft tone.

Timo smiled with a nod as he watched his mother follow after his father. He let out a puff of air and ran a hand through his short hair. His eyes scanned over his living room, widening at the sight of your bra that draped over the recliner chair. Timo rushed over to the chair and yanked your bra off before stuffing it into the bottom of the laundry hamper.

His phone vibrated in his back pocket. Timo pulled his phone out and read your contact name that was displayed on the screen. He took a glance at the hallway before sliding his finger on the green answer button.

"Hey, [Y/n.]" His voice greeted you.

You sat in your car, waiting at a red light as you listened to Timo's soft breaths from the Bluetooth speakers in your car. "Hey, babe. I'm on my way over, I'm gonna stop by that Italian restaurant where you like to get some takeout."

He couldn't help the grin that etched across his lips. "About that..." He started speaking before he was cut off by the sound of rushed footsteps.

"Timo Meier! Who does this belong to?" His mother's voice rang through the air, catching him by surprise. She entered the living room, holding a pair of your pajama sets, another laced bra, and the makeup bag you keep at his apartment for just-in-case situations.

You furrowed your brows at the older female voice. "What was that?" You ask.

Timo glances at his phone and then back at his mother. "[Y/n], I'm going to have to call you back."

"Okay. . .? I'll see you soon, then." You respond which Timo hums before hitting the end button.

Timo's mother gives him a knowing face. It screamed for him to spill his guts and explain what was going on.

Timo ran a hand over his face before walking over taking your belongings from his mother and placing them on the recliner chair.

"Sorry, I didn't get to clean up when you guys called." He apologizes sheepishly. His face was slightly tinted red with embarrassment. He wasn't embarrassed by you but by the fact his mother would have to find out about your relationship in this way.

"This belongs to my girlfriend, [Y/n]." He says to his mom.

Her eyes nearly sparkle at the word 'girlfriend'. It had been quite some time since Timo had been in a relationship. His mother was growing worried that he'd stay single for the rest of his life. Meaning she wouldn't get any of the grandchildren she has dreamt about.

"Since when did you get a girlfriend?" His mother questions. She moves from the hallway to sit on the sofa. Quickly patting the cushion beside her so he could sit down as well.

"Just a few months. We just made it official." He informs.

"When can I meet her? Do you plan on getting married? Kids? Does she know a lot about hockey? How did you meet? What does she look like? Do you treat her well?"

Timo couldn't help but laugh at the rapid question shooting his mother was doing. He had to place his hands on top of hers to get her to calm down.

"Take a breath, mom. She's gonna be here in a little while. You can meet her then and ask whatever questions you want— just not about marriage or kids, okay?" Timo pointed a finger at the woman who raised her hands in a surrendering position.


word count :: 930

this was requested by @1ddirectioner93 !
hope you enjoyed <3

𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 . . . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ❪ hockey imagines ❫
❝ we found wonderland. ❞
    © 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 ━━ -danify ゚𐦍༘⋆

𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝, hockey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now