enchanted, mark estapa

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𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 . . . 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 ❪ hockey imagines ❫
❝ we found wonderland. ❞
    © 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟥 ━━ -danify ゚𐦍༘⋆


in which mark asks [y/n]
to be his girlfriend.

requested by @urgoddamdad

s.her reader |  fluff  | romantic

You sat quietly on the dimmed stage. Your eyes traveled over the large crowd. Bright smiles and lights pointed in your direction. The feeling of butterflies bubbling in your stomach grew when you caught sight of your best friend, Mark. He stood in the VIP box alongside your parents and brother.

While looking at him, your fingers gently caressed the guitar on your lap. Tapping on the floor with the heel of your foot twice, you strummed three familiar cords— making the crowd erupt into cheers. A small smile etched on your face as you began to sing.

"There I was again tonight. Forcing laughter, faking smiles. Same old tired, lonely place.." Your voice took over the large theater. A mixture of feminine and masculine voices bounced around the audience. Your fans sang the song with you; some louder than others.

Your eyes focused on those in the front. They cheered your name as they recorded you. Some had tears building in the corner of their eyes.  You gave them soft looks as you continued to sing into the mic. Your fingers had a strong but delicate grip on the guitar pick that Mark had bought you when you first started making music. You strummed the chords of the song, singing along as you go.

"All I can say is I was, enchanted to meet you..." Your eyes slowly drift back to the VIP box. Mark was already looking at you. Stars in his eyes. He looked as if he was in a trance.

As you reached the chorus, you stood up from the stool. Walking around different sections of the stage to interact with other people in the crowd. With the help of the security, you descend from the stage and travel amongst the floor. Singing your heart out and smiling at everyone.

Your face shined from the flashlights. People called your name and chanted the lyrics out with you. As it came to a pause in the song, you played your guitar without singing a word for a moment.

Traveling back up to the stage after stopping for some pictures, you placed your guitar down and gripped the mic. "This was the very first page, not where the storyline ends. My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again. These are the words I held back, as I was leaving too soon. I was enchanted to meet you." You sang loudly.

𝓦𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝, hockey imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now