Discovery 3

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"I can't believe that I have to go to Detention." Reki sulks.

"I tried joining you." Langa had, the only reason he didn't get detention was that Reki made sure he didn't by cancelling out his attempts with something stupider.

"You've already promised Cherry that you'll go to his study session from hell." Langa's shoulders drop in disappointment as they come to a stop in front of the detention room.

"But it won't be the same without you here." Remorsefully, Reki places a hand on Langa's shoulder.

"You can teach me everything you learn when you come over later." Langa's face lights up at the reminder of their sleepover.

"What time should I come around?" Groups walk past them as everyone starts to make their way out of school.

"I'll message you when I'm done here but shouldn't be too late." Turning towards the classroom door Reki waves goodbye and immediately freezes. Neo smiles at Reki from where he is sitting with his feet on the desk, chair tilted back dangerously.

"Glad to see that you're on time Kyan." The teacher interrupts, oblivious to the sudden dread that comes with the way his stomach drops at the sight.

"Of course, I am," Reki tries for a smile and heads to the table a good distance away from Neo's, without looking too suspicious.

"It's only you two today," Reki internally groans. "You have two hours, and I don't mind if you decide to catch up on schoolwork in that time." Giving both of them a look, she turns back to her computer to type away.

Pulling his sketchbook out of his bag, Reki pushes away the urge to look behind him to see what Neo is doing. Just his luck that he's stuck in detention with the boy who had been creeping him out lately. Maybe he should've let Langa get detention, at least then he wouldn't be stuck here alone. The only good side is that this gives him time to perfect the design for Langa's board. Reki had completed most of the work on its last night, all that was left was to attach the wheels and paint it. Covering the sketchbook under his maths book to look like he's doing what he's supposed to, Reki zones out from the room, focusing on the sketch.

"I need to run an errand," The teacher breaks the silence a little over an hour and a half later. "I will be back in ten minutes, and I expect neither of you to have moved." She takes the lack of response as confirmation. Her heels clack against the tiles as she closes the classroom door and walks away, plunging the room into silence.

"That doesn't look like schoolwork." Reki jumps, he'd forgotten that he wasn't the only one in the room and the force of his notebook being pulled out from under his arm takes him by surprise.

"Hey!" Neo moves it out of reach when Reki tries to snatch it back. "Give it back Neo,"

"Why? It's pretty interesting." Laughing, Neo looks over the sketches and scribbles on the page.

"You could've just asked, and I would've shown you."

A confused look flickers across Neo's face and he glances down at the redhead. "But where's the fun in that?"

"Just give it back before you rip it." Reki holds out his hand with a sigh. Neo shrugs and drops it into the outstretched palm.

"What else was I supposed to do?" Neo pulls up a chair from the tables next to Reki. "You've been ignoring me."

"I have?" Reki hadn't purposefully been ignoring the other, there were no instances that would've given him the opportunity to. "I saw you yesterday, and we have class together."

"That's not what I meant." Neo's face becomes serious for a moment and Reki glances towards the door. "You're always with the Canadian boy."

"Langa." Reki corrects automatically.

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