Identity 25

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Reki bites the inside of his cheek in contemplation as he stares at the dimly lit screen in front of him. A message sent from an unknown number stares back at him accusingly, tauntingly. Despite having already re-read it half a dozen times, his brain is still struggling to wrap itself around the motivations behind Cherry's sudden invitation. It's barely been two days since they last saw each other. He hadn't been expecting to need to use this particular phone for at least another couple.

He should've expected that Cherry wouldn't just use the phone for casual check-ins. In hindsight, it's pretty obvious. Although, even if he had expected that, he wouldn't have imagined that he'd be invited to join everyone for a day out. Much less at the nearby skate facility that's recently opened. Absentmindedly twirling a screwdriver around, Reki weighs the pros and cons of turning the phone off and pretending like never saw the message.

A strange nagging feeling stops him from doing so.

As tempting as it is to be annoyed that Cherry is trying to force him to reveal his identity, a part of him can't help but hope he's successful. It's his last chance to do something to help Langa before Adam tears it all down. Technically if they figure it out on their own, it's not his fault that it was revealed. Not that Adam would see it that way. Putting the screwdriver down, Reki glares at the board on the workbench in front of him. Even the thought of that psycho sours his mood.

After the confrontation with Adam last night, he'd practically locked himself inside of his workshop. Working on the board has kept his mind off the inevitable doom that follows him around. Running a hand over the smooth polishing of the deck, he marvels at the final product. It's almost a shame that this board isn't going to get much use. No matter how many times he tells himself that this has just been an excuse to keep his hands busy and mind off everything, it still hurts to think that Langa won't ever touch it after S.

Looking at the finished product, Reki smiles sadly. It's without a doubt, the best board that he's ever made. Knowing that this is his only way of helping Langa, has made him triple-check things that he would usually never think twice about. At least than, Langa will have a good board to deal with whatever Adam is going to throw his way. At least then, he'll have something to remember him by, an apology for what's to come.

Pulling his hand away from the board like it's burnt him, Reki shakes his head and turns back to his phone. Sending Cherry a quick affirmative, he pockets the device and glances around the shed. Evidence of his hard work is everywhere, from wood shavings on the ground, to paint splotches and oil and grease stains on the old shirt he'd thrown on. It'll take a while to clean up.

Groaning tiredly, Reki steps away from the table and looks down at himself. Langa still has his red hoodie, so maybe he should just wear a regular t-shirt to meet up with them? A bittersweet feeling comes with the memory of Langa sleeping with his hoodie draped over him. He should've never left; he should've never come back to this awful place. It's his fault that Langa is being dragged back into Adam's grasp. He's the one causing Langa so much pain and misery.

Grabbing the board, Reki abandons any idea of cleaning and storms out of the shed. He needs to at least try and fix things before they all fall apart.


He hadn't realised how often he wore his red jumper until it came to trying to pick something else. Standing in front of the mirror, Reki couldn't help but feel self-conscious without it.

The hoodie had allowed him to hide the strands of red hair that pokes out from under his cap. The very noticeable red strands that fall free, even when the rest of his hair is tied back. Oddly enough, he can't help but wish that he had his headband to keep them out of the way. The headband that is constantly worn around a certain blue-haired skater's wrist. Shaking his head to stop his mind from going down that track, Reki focuses back on the matter at hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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