Revenge 17

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"Don't look so gloomy." Adam chastises. "Tonight is going to be fun." It was an hour or two later that Tadashi had arrived for him, releasing the command with a single word. Mindlessly, Reki had sat up, staring into space with a dead look of defeat. His shirt was mostly in tatters so, with Tadashi doing most of the work, it was covered by a thick black cloak, that pulled together at the front to hide the mess underneath.

He was then led out of the room by the two brutes from his first day here. They didn't grab him this time, they didn't need to. If anything, they slowed down to keep up with his weak body. Reki didn't look at them, his gaze stuck dead ahead with distant eyes like he wasn't really seeing what was in front of him. The walk to the car was silent and he didn't need to be told what to do when someone opened the back door for him. He refused to acknowledge Adam as he collapsed into the seat next to him.

With Tadashi in the driver's seat, they drive away from the dark building. "Aren't you excited red?" Reki doesn't respond, staring at the back of the headrest in front of him. "You'll finally get to see your precious Snow again." No reaction. "If you behave, I'll even let you have rooms close to each other when I win."

"You won't win." Reki closes his eyes, blocking out whatever Adam's response is, knowing that if he really wanted Reki to listen, he'd make him. The drive is short, Tadashi stopping and turning off the car much sooner than he'd expected. Maybe if he wasn't so out of it, he'd panic about that. Still, he doesn't move, zoning out to everything around him except the quiet feel of the car.

"Listen to me." The command snaps all of Reki's muscles to attention, his back instantly straightening. "You will do exactly as I say." The power laced behind his voice creeps inside his head, overtaking any other thoughts. "You will follow me out of this car, you will not speak, and you will stand no further than two meters away from me unless told otherwise. I promised proof of your well-being before the race started. Once I have completed that, you will be passed back to my dog. You will follow whatever orders he gives you." Not waiting for a response they both know Reki can't give, Adam opens the car door.

Reki's body automatically follows him out into the chill night air. He's almost grateful for the command that pulls him along, it means he doesn't need to think about putting one foot in front of the other or finding the energy to do so.


When they come to a stop at the start of the course, he keeps his eyes trained on the dirt at his feet. They're the first ones here, much to Adams's apparent annoyance. Zoning out from his surroundings, Reki fiddles with the metal cuffs that had been secured around his wrists. Some part of him remembers someone putting them on, when was that? It's unsurprising to find almost no wriggle room. Not that he could get out of them even if he wanted. Maybe he should learn lockpicking one day. Is there anything else he's forgotten? Why can he remember what happened?

After a few minutes of silence, Adam's otherwise annoyed aura suddenly lights up. Realising what he must've seen to cause the reaction, Reki's tenses. He keeps his gaze trained on the floor as if to hide in on himself, wanting nothing more than to blend into the shadows behind him. How pathetic. He wishes they didn't have to see him like this.


"I was wondering when you'd arrive my Eve," Adam purrs and he strains his hearing for the sound of several feet stopping just beyond them. He can feel the eyes boring into him, filled with so many emotions that he doesn't need to look up to see them. "You're late" Adam receives no answer and some part of Reki smiles, finding glee at the obvious anger that would cause.

"Reki." The sound of his name has his head rising before he can stop himself. Langa instantly tenses at the dead look on the redhead's face. The eyes that were once so full of light, are now as dull as a cloudy night sky. Reki's skin is pale and sickly with a sullen look of malnourishment. Langa didn't have to smell the air to catch a trace of the blood, both dried and new on him. However, any injuries are covered by the cloak.

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