Revenge 15

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He didn't know what he expected to find when he finally grasped onto awareness long enough to open his eyes. Blinking up at the harsh lighting above him, a wave of nausea makes him squeeze them closed again, swallowing the urge to empty the contents of his stomach.

Waiting for his stomach to settle, he instead relies on his other senses to figure out where he is. The room smells almost sickly like flowers, Adam's signature scent makes his nose scrunch up in disgust. Unable to make out any distinguishing sounds, he flexes his hands, feeling the soft fabric of whatever he's lying on.

A bed?

Forcing his eyes open, he's more prepared this time to blink against the brightness and pounding headache that comes with it. At least the nausea has passed. Slowly sitting up, Reki blinks around the room. Much to his own confusion, he finds that his guess is correct. The bed he's now sitting on is large, with a plain blue quilt covering it and half a dozen pillows stacked at the head. It looks like something you'd expect to see in a castle.

Looking around further, his confusion only doubles. The rest of the room is decorated in a similar fashion, drawers and a table sit on opposite walls with a couch chair and table placed in the middle of the room. Spotting the large wooden door, he slips his legs off the bed, glad to find they can support his weight after whatever drug Adam gave him. The effects of the substance in the cloth must've been the reason for his passing out. Not that he knows a lot about drugs but given that he can still feel the unnatural weakness in his limbs, he can't have been here for too long. It would be nice if it wore off faster though. His legs shake with each step, barely containing the strength to hold him up.

The door handle doesn't move an inch. With a groan, he turns back to the large room. A door on the other side, next to the head of the bed, is already open. Eyeing the bathroom before deciding he doesn't have the energy to search it for hidden cameras, he moves back to the bed before his legs can give out. He really hopes Adam wouldn't go that far. Except the definition of 'too far' when it comes to Adam is starting to blur.

Sitting back down on the edge of the large bed with a huff, he stares down at the ground, kicking at the woollen rug. What is he supposed to do now? There aren't any windows in the room, and he doesn't even know what time of day it is.

Had he been missing for hours or days? Did his family notice his absence? Had Langa?

His chest swells at the thought of Langa. Just when they'd finally confessed their feelings for each other, Adam had to interrupt again. Why can't they just be happy?

Flopping backwards onto the mattress, he lets out an annoyed shot, not caring if anyone hears. Actually, it would be good if someone did hear, then he could at least get some answers. Demand to know why Adam thought it would be a good idea to kidnap him and why he's stuck in this horribly decorated room. He knows Adam's a vampire, but seriously, couldn't he at least keep his fashion senses to the century they're in?

A loud click echoes through the otherwise silent room and Reki bolts up. The door swings open with a flourish. Maybe someone did hear him? Unless there is a camera somewhere hidden in the room and they've been watching him pointlessly try to find a way out. A figure steps through the open door and Reki's stomach drops. "Oh, it's you." He groans, adding as much venom as he can muster and glaring at Snake.

"Please, call me Tadashi," Snake – no, Tadashi, does a small bow before stepping completely into the room and angling himself so the doorway is left open. "Mr. Ainosuke has requested your presence." Reki doesn't move, stubbornly staying on the bed. He doesn't care if it's childish. If 'Mr. Ainosuke', who he assumes is just Adam's civilian name, wants him to do something, he'll do his damn best to do the exact opposite. At least until he gets some answers. Seeing Reki's stubbornness, Tadashi raises an eyebrow. "It would not be wise to keep him waiting."

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