Acceptance 9

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"Are you sure you don't want the day off?" Langa's frown is evident in his tone. Reki turns from where he's securing on another of Langa's shirts, trying not to laugh at the boy pouting on the bed.

"Nah dude, I can't miss any more school, or I'll fail." Alas, it was the unfortunate truth, waking up next to Langa, in his bed again, wasn't as shocking as the first time but it still left a warm sensation on his cheeks.

"Okay," Langa says softly, almost sounding sad. "You can bathe first; I'll make some breakfast." Reki doesn't move until Langa has left the room, sensing the other boy hovering in the doorway for a moment before leaving.

Gripping his shirt over his heart, he takes a deep breath, trying to stop the way it pounds against his ribcage. As much as he liked waking up next to Langa, it was starting to do things to his heart, a longing for something he knows he can't have.

Hopefully, school will be a good distraction.


Four days later, Reki was still running over the other day again and again in his mind. Specifically, the morning when he'd ended up straddling Langa twice. Running over and over the sensation of Langa's fingers trailing across his skin. The feeling of the Langa's skin against his own burned in a good way, nothing like when Neo had touched him. Langa's touch had left him tingling and longing for more. Although it has left him asking himself why neither of them had pulled away yesterday morning.

"Are you okay Reki?" Langa's voice brings him back to the present. Oh right, the two of them were walking out of the school grounds.

"Yeah, I'm good, glad school is finally over, Mondays suck," He laughs, pulling his head out of the clouds. "Do you have work today?"

"Yeah, I'm heading straight there." Langa sighs like it's the worst fate imaginable.

"That sucks dude, what time do you finish?"

"Late," He fiddles with his board, trying not to pout. "Do you want to come over after?"

"Message me when you're done, I have some errands to run for Mum." Like muscle memory, they fist bump before walking off in different directions.

Coming to a stop, Reki looks back over his shoulder at Langa's retreating figure.

What was he going to do? Can he really keep going like this? There is no way he can lose Langa, therefore confessing is out of the question. The only other option was to bury his feelings as deeply as he can.

Can he even do that by this point?

Turning back around, he heads home.


It's not until after dark that Reki gets a chance to duck out of the house. His siblings had since been put to bed, so it's silent as he skated down his ramp. Of course, this was a great chance to get some more practice in after his loss. Light practice, the painkillers are good but not that good. He may not need the bandages anymore, but he'd already opened some of the wounds the other day when he tried skating.

As he goes to cross the road, a black car pulls around the corner and suddenly comes to a stop in front of him, the window already rolled down. Reki curses, skidding to a halt to avoid crashing into it. He picks up his board and goes to yell at the driver for suddenly stopping like that. Except he doesn't get any words out because the person sitting in the driver's seat is unfortunately familiar.

"Snake?" Reki steps back in surprise, looking around the dark streets in case he needs to make a run for it.

"Mr Kyan, please get in."

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