Discovery 1

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Reki didn't consider himself a superstitious person. Sure, he had a wild imagination and wholly believed that vampires, werewolves, and almost all creatures from the fairy tales he grew up reading, probably existed at some point in history. However, recently he'd started rethinking the: 'some point in history,' section of his belief, as stupid as that sounded.

"Reki?" A sharp stab to his arm makes him jump, pulling Reki from his thoughts and back to the math class that he swore was never going to end. Langa pulls back his sharpened pencil with a half-apologetic look. "Class is over." Rubbing away the pain, Reki glances around the room, reminding himself of where he is. Everyone is packing up their belongings and making their way out of the classroom. Langa glances at the boy at the front that Reki had been staring at all class.

"Did the bell go off?" Had he been so deep in thought that he hadn't heard it?

"We have sport now." Frowning, Langa turns from Neo back to Reki. "Are you okay? Does your arm hurt?"

"It's fine, stop worrying." Reki shuffles the sling holding his injured wrist, trying not to wince in pain at the movement and seem perfectly okay. Adam had sure done a number on him, that he could admit. The first race the legendary Adam had been in for months and Reki hadn't even made it halfway down the slope.

"You've been staring at Neo for the entire class." Langa tries to keep the jealousy out of his voice and genuinely pouts at Reki's affirmative hum.

"What do you think of him?" Neo, the new kid, had only been in their class for a month yet the girls in their year seemed smitten with him. He'd heard far too many debates on who between Langa and Neo, should have the title of 'class pretty boy'. It was a little ridiculous.

"He's quiet." Langa decides after a moment of quiet contemplation. "I haven't talked to him so I can't say much." Nervously, he glances at Reki out of the side of his vision as he stuffs his notebook into his bag and tries to sound as casual as possible. "Why do you ask?"

Reki flushes and turns away to hide his face. "No reason. It's stupid." Swallowing the ugly feeling that rises in his chest, Langa focuses on making sure he has everything for the next class. Deciding that he didn't need to think about what could make Reki so interested in Neo.

"If you say so." Unaware of Langa's inner turmoil, Reki watches as the male in question throws his bag over his shoulder and leaves the room. Somewhere in the past week, it had become a regular occurrence. At first, he had a slight crisis and spent a total of five minutes trying to figure out if maybe the reason was because he had a crush on Neo. Although he was an attractive foreign with tanned skin that stood out against everyone else, it took one glance at Langa's goofy smile for that theory to go out the window. The next and current theory was that there was something about the boy that Reki just couldn't figure out.

"Anyway, we should get to class." Realising he'd been lost in thought, Reki quickly closes his bag and slides it over his shoulder. "We're going to be late." Langa nods absentmindedly, he'd been standing in front of Reki's desk waiting for him, but he wasn't going to point that out. Reki slides around the desk, motioning for Langa to follow. With a sigh, he does so, making sure to glare at Neo's desk when they walk past it.


Basketball was the sport of choice for the week. Reki didn't mind the game, he'd participated for the first few days before being sidelined due to his wrist. A small part of him was a little relieved to get out of playing, he'd been placed in the lower-ranked team and Langa in the highest, unsurprisingly. Not playing meant he didn't have the chance to compare the difference in their skills. Although sitting on the bleachers alone was pretty boring.

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