Insanity Is...

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The door squeaked behind me, "Dean? What's up?"

I guess I took too long to shove that crap back to where it belonged, Sam's voice had that tone to it. Course these days I can't really blame him for riding my ass. "She's six hours out and it's turning into one of our usual jobs."

"That bad?"

"What else would you expect?"


I turned around. He was leaning against the door frame, arms crossed, he'd taken his suit coat off and loosened his tie. His head twitched a bit in Roy's direction as his shoulders asked a question with a quick shrug.

"Up to him. He's here because he's pissed at Oliver making choices for him and I told you I'd do things different so..."


It was nice to know I could still surprise my brother from time to time. "Yeah." I pushed passed him and went back inside. "Roy? You got a choice to make. This job has gotten crappy, as in the shit that tends to end up with us either dead again, in Hell again or facing some stupid life or death choice. Usually I'd just tell someone like you to get the hell out and bail but you're an adult, you've faced plenty of your own crap and you know our story so you decide. I have to go grab two more rooms and make a beer run. Back in a few."

I grabbed Baby's keys as they both stared at me. Sam's jaw was almost to the ground, which is no mean feat. I think Roy was just shocked that someone had actually asked him what he wanted to do, instead of told him. Two things hit me while walking down the stairs, the first was how saying all that actually made me less stressed and the second was I was tired of shit like this. Sure, I'd gotten all restless back at Oliver's and yeah it'd felt good to be driving Baby again, starting a job, thinking it'd be easy. Show up, kill some vamps, save a few folks and move on. Stupid fucking fantasy. Three days out of the gate and we were right back in the thick of it and there was a part of me that didn't even care. Which is not a good way to go into a fight like this.

Apparently the twenty something lonely clerk that had been at the desk when Roy had checked in was gone. The guy that was there when I walked in barely smiled. He took my card and hooked me up with two rooms with nothing more than the usual questions asked. Which didn't bother me, I wasn't really in the mood to talk. I got back into Baby, turned the key and the music started. "Really? She's not even here yet and my radio's already talking to me."

"Desperado, oh you ain't gettin' no younger
Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home
And freedom, oh freedom, well that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walkin' through this world all alone

Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feelin' goes away?

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin' but there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you
(Let somebody love you)
You better let somebody love you before it's too late"

"Of all the damn songs Baby, you had to pick that one?" A crow landed on the hood, stared me right in the face and I swear it laughed at me before flying off. "Son of a bitch." I clicked the radio off and looked up, "If ya'll think that's going to help anything you really don't know me all that well. Instead of meddling in my lack of love life how about you do something useful and stop all this crap without me for once? Be a nice change of pace." The crow didn't return and nothing happened, "Yeah, that's what I thought. I wouldn't be in this mess if you gods, any of you, did what the hell you're supposed to."

A Fresh Start (Book 6 Arrow/SPN Series)Where stories live. Discover now