Second Chances

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We got back to Jim's house after picking up the required alcoholic content for surviving yet another end of the world scenario and started walking inside.

"I should call Thea. Let her know what's going on."

"Good idea, she's probably worried about that suit she bought you."

"It'll be the first thing she asks about."

I wasn't exactly sure if he was kidding even though he said it with a smile. Cougar and Sam were sitting on the folding chairs in the living room, recuperating it looked like.

"Coyote still awake?" I asked as I handed out the food.

"She's been dozing in and out of sleep but seems over the sickness," Cougar replied. "Dean, after you left, she and I had a talk."

I wasn't sure I liked the sound of that. "Okay, and?" It wasn't exactly shame on his face but it felt like he was looking for some sort of understanding from me. "What's up?"

"She never explained to me the source of your nightmares that she was feeling or the fact that she wanted you to keep using the pouch, I just saw her in pain and knew it had something to do with you. I knew you'd chosen to leave her when she needed someone the most. I didn't understand why. Today, what I saw, I, well it made me think about things a little differently. You're not a coward. Today you fought like a Warrior would and it seems you always have."

I hadn't really thought too far ahead about things if Coyote and I were going to try to make something happen but knowing that Cougar didn't really want to kill me would make things a lot easier. I may not have had a lot of long term relationships but I'm pretty sure having the much larger than you best friend of the woman you're dating hating your guts isn't a good starting point. "Thanks. Don't worry about it. Roles reversed? I would have been acting the exact same way. Think it's all right if I go see her? I brought her food."

"Yes, I think so."

"Awesome, got you a burger. Hope it's how you like it."

He took the container from me with a smile and a quick nod, "Thank you."

"No worries." I gave Sam his food and took mine, hers and the pie into the bedroom. Her eyes were closed but I didn't think she's was all that deep asleep. I sat down next to her and opened the food containers up.

"Is that pulled pork?"

"Yup." She's always been into barbecue, "Looked up the best place in town. Made a special trip. Don't open your eyes yet." I took the pie, lifted the lid and stuck it by her nose.

"Mmmm, I love a man who brings me dead pig and blueberry pie."

"And that's why we've always gotten along so well. Similar tastes in food."

She laughed and got vertical enough to eat, "The entire basis of our relationship, good food and good sex."

"Correction, good food and great sex. Besides what else is there?"

"True, does tend to keep things uncomplicated." Her smile faded but she dug into the food and I took the hint.

We ate in silence, well mostly. She did moan a few times while eating her pork.

Must be some good damn pork, "Guess it deserves it's reputation."

"Almost as good as Stella and Ralph's."

"Seriously? You better share then." I used my fork to pull some of the pork off her plate.


"I found the place, I get a taste. Them's the rules." As soon as the pork hit my tongue I shut up and groaned too, "Oh my God. Damn. I should have gotten that instead of the steak."

A Fresh Start (Book 6 Arrow/SPN Series)Where stories live. Discover now