<~> just shoot me already <~>

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I walked into my English class and looked around the room for anyoen I knew. I walked over and chose the front seat that was a little to the side so no one thought I was a nerd. I pulled out my notebook and pens and got them set up on my desk. Cause it was a new term we got new seats. I noticed someone slide next to me.
"Please don't be"
"Hi!" A shrill high voice I knew all to well squealed.
"Brook." I groaned slamming my head on the table.
"Hello brook." I groaned.
"I trust you have all read the book I assigned." Mr. Scale told us.
"Fuck." I whispered under my breath. That book was nearly a thousand pages. I pulled out a piece of paper and my test pencil case. It was a neon yellow high lighter, a red, black and blue earable pens for editing along with pencils and rubbers and othe shit like that.
"Question one who wrote the book?" Mrs. Hobble my new english teacher asked. Pens danced on paper as my pen just lay flat on the paper. I scribbled down the first two worlds that came to my mind...
Joe mama. I rubbed it out and wrote down Eliza Brockenman. With great hurry I wrote down random words and left the apper on my desk and ran out of my room straight to my next class. Someone crashed into me and sent me flying. I looked up and saw brook laughing.
"L-ooooo-ser." Brook laughed. I grabbed my laptop bag and pulled out my phone. It has gained a few scratches but nothing much. I looked down at my hands and screamed as I saw blood. I reached into my bag and pulled a jumper on and pulled the sleeves down. I headed to my next class and by the time I got to my class everyone was already inside.
"Well, Mis Gold what's you reason for being late." An ancient lady asked.
"I fell over." I murmed taking a seat.
"For those who are late this class is the history and body of the horsen and I'm Mrs. Elder". She hissed. After that class I sprinted to the cafeteria. I took a seat at a table and felt like the new kid all over again.
Going to be late texts follwed my phone from my friends. I sighed and started at my hands. I wasn't Hungary. Suddleny a cold splash ran over my body. Liquids dripped down my body. I Wendt to look up when a icecream fell on my head.
"Fuck me." I groaned.
"Oops." Brook squealed. I mocked everyone watching. I stood up to leave when she grabbed me by the arm.
"Leaving?" A blonder girl asked. She was holding a tray of what seemed to be sugar packets. She dumped it on my head. Sugar fell from the packets and tangled its self around my hair. I felt tears burn my eyes. I shoved them away and sprinted out of the cafeteria. I Ran ro the first bathroom and ran my head under the water getting all of the food out. Then I took my food soaked jumper off and used it to clean my clothes.
"Well thast ruined." I groaned and threw the light green jumper into the bin. I left and headed tot he stable.
"Hey Bonnie." I opened the stable door and slid into her stable. Bonnie was looking better having gained some weight. In a few weeks I would start breaking her in. I heard a voice and dunked down in Bonnie's stable. If I was caught I was dead.
"AELLA!" I heard Alicia yell. I stood up and dusted the bedding off my clothes. Alica looked at me up and down. I rubbed the tears away from my eyes.
"What did I miss?" Alicia asked leaning over the stable door and giving me a hug.
"Brook and a few assholes dumbed soft drink juice and other shit all over me." I groaned falling back in Bonnie's stable. Bonnie nuzzled me. A gave her cheek a scratch.
"That bitich." Alicia clenched her fist and her face went dark. She dashed away leaving me.
"Alcia?" I asked looking up but she was gone. My phone rang and it was Mr. Corner. A million thoughts ran through my head and I picked up.
"Hello?" I croaked.
"Aella? You okay?" Mr. Corner asked sensing something was wrong.
"No." I whispered.
"Where are you?" He asked his voice getting kinder.
"Bonnies stall."
"Okay. I'll let your stay there and tell your teachers you had a hard day and I'm letting you stay with Bonnie. Just come to my ridng lesson." He told me.
"Okay." He hung up and I planted myself face down in the bedding. Bonnie nickered and lay down. She rested her head on my back. Saddlery I heard panicking neighing. I stood up and saw brook hill ding Bonnie by the mane.
"Let go brook!" I yelled.
"After this." Brook laughed. She picked up a bucket of water and tipped al over me and Bonnie. About twenty litres of water drenched us. Bonnie was freaking out. Brook walked away leaving me to deal with a cold scared horse.

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