<~> life story <~>

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"I'm so nervous!" I squealed as we all got into the van. It was early and we where heading to the shows. By early I mean one in the morning.
"Wanna play two truths and a lie?" Brook asked.
"Sure!" Brook handed us all cards. I wrote down my three things
I gave my horse takis and she liked it (true)
I loveeeeeee cats more then dogs (false!)
I got arrested and ended up going to jail for three months (true)
I finshed writing and we put them in a bowl and mixed them around. I pulled out a card.
"I ate my pet fish. I fell off and landed in a pile of horse poop. I sleep in princess pjs" I read out loud.
After a while it came to me. Gi picked the card up.
"I gave my horse takis and she liked them. I like cats more then dogs. And I got arrested and went to jail." Gi started laughing.
"The lie is the jail thing." Everyone said even me.
"So who is it?" Alex asked. I smirked.
"Me." I said.
"Oh yeah you where wrong." I paused. " I really did get arrested and went to jail. I got arrested heaps and ent to jail like five times." I laughed at there faces as they backed away.
"I didnt kill anyone." They al let out a breath.
"I just stole a car. A few times. And stole some random shit. I did nearly kill somone. Okay i did" They all screamed.
"Guys please shut up." Mr. Corner told us.
"Story?" Brook asked.
"So when I was thirteen I met a guy. He was super abusive and like hit me and stuff. He forced me to steal and stuff and if I didnt he would punch me. After getting me arrested for fifteen years I beat the crap out of him. He was arrested and I got of free." I explained. I grabbed my drink bottle and tipped it on my arm showing a scar.
"Yeah he was a shitty boyfriend." I explained. Grabbing some makeup form my bag and covering the scar again. They all looked shocked.
"Guys?" I waved my hand infront of there faces.
"Jesus I'm sorry that happened." Alex told me.
"It wasn't that bad. He did end up dying cause I maybe stabbed him. In my diffence he tried to kill me first." I told them. I hadnt talked about my past ever really. Or even thought about it.
"My legs are cramping so bad we have been driving for like three hours." Alex groaned rubbing his leg.
"You think thats bad." Gi groaned as she held her arms up with a milkshake all her. We all started laughing. Gi glared at me and punched me.
"Does baby need a nap?" Brook asked.
"Yes." She replied and faked a sleep. We all started laughing.
"You guys are so immature." Alicia rolled her eyes and went back to scrolling on her phone. We pulled up into a car park and suddleny I froze. I handy fully gotten over my fear of jumping.
"You'll be fine." Alex told me. We leaned in then pulled back when mr. Corner looked back.
"Okay everyone. You wherre already signed in you just need your numbers." Mr. Corner told us and handed us a each a number. It was early around eight but my first show was at eleven at one so I had heaps of time. I got out of the car and mr. Corner handed me Pharaoh. As I took the leadrope everyone around us started gasping. Pharaoh was standing with his head held high and his mane plaited to perfection.
"Can we get a photo?" A few girls asked running over. I nodded and they posed next to Pharaoh and took a photo.
"This is going straight on my insta everyone is gonna be so jealous." The girl screamed happily. I lead pharaoh over to a tree away from the crowd and tied him up. The rest of my team follwed me and we all tied out horses up. Expect for Alicia who used the barn provided. I took the rug and travel boots off. I gave pharaoh a pat and gave him another quick brush just to get of the last few things. I loosened the lead rope so he could graze. I added a grazing muzzle so he didnt eat to much and give himself colic.
"Aella can you help me with getting rose over this one jump. It's a water jump." Alex asked I nodded. I follwed him to the practice areana.
"Use my helmnt." He told me and handed me his helmnt. I got on and did a few canter laps to get used to her then lined her up at the jump she wouldnt go over. Rose flickered her ears back.
"Come on rose." I told her. I gave her a few light kicks as we came to the jump. I felt her  veer to the side but I pulled her back in. I gave her a few kicks and she flew over. I cantered back to the jump and this time I just gave her a tap with my heels and she flew over the jump with ease. I trotted her back.
"Just give her a few kicks beofre the jump. She will try and veer but just pull her in." I told him getting off.
"Can you watch me?" He asked.
"I wouldn't have it any other way." We landed in but I saw mr. Corner and pulled away.

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