<~>he's dead <~>

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I held blues reins as I trotted down a path. Blues ears where all floppy and he was plodding along. I heard flin's voice and a girls voice. I turned a corner and saw Flin kissing Alicia. My eyes opened wide. Very quietly I took my helmet off. I threw it at flin's heads.
"Don't you ever talk to me again." I hissed.
"AELLA WAIT." He ran after me. Blue stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"It isn't what it looks like." He told me. Blue snorted and kicked hitting Flin in the head. I laughed as he held his head. I pushed Blue into a gallop and ran up the trail. Tears burnt my eyes. Once we came to the end of the trail and jumped off blue and hurried my head into his long thick mane. Tears fell from my eyes. Blue nuzzled me as I cried. I took his tack off and turned him out to his paddock. I walked straight to my dorm and grabbed my bracket he gave me and all the other gifts. I grabbed the smoothie maker and started dumping everything he gave me onto it and turned it on. The door opened and Bee walked in.
"Aella?" Bee asked turning the smoothie maker off at the switch.
"Yes?" I asked opening the cupboards pulling out a weight to bash the slush with.
"What happened?" Bee asked holding my hand.
"Flin cheated on me." I screamed.
"Hey hey hey, it's okay, he dosen't deserve you." Bee told me stroking my hair.
"He cheated on me with the girl who tried to kill River. My ex-best friend." I screamed.
"Hey hey. Take a breathe. Turn on the tv, eat your own body weight in sugar. And then fall asleep in a pile of a million of stuffed animals." Bee told me. I nodded as she hugged me and left. I picked up the mush. I saw Flin. I smirked and threw it out of the window onto his head.
"ASSHOLE" I screamed. I opened up the mini fridge and started eating a lot of icecream. Scout, Julie's dog was out with Julie so I was alone. The door creaked open and I saw Brook. It must of been a sight. Me in a over sized hoodie and the tv turned onto a rom-com and about a million ice cream tubs and choclate wrappers and and heaps of stuffed aniamls.
"Mental break down." I told her as I dispeered under a blanket. Brook pull the blankets off.
"What happened?" Brook asked.
"Flin cheated on me with Alicia."
"I'm going to Dorm River" Brook told me.
"That's flin's door..."
"Oh I know." Brook grabbed a BRICK from under the sink and left.
"Well someone's gonna die." I groaned and started eating a cookie. The door opened and Julie ran in giving me a heart attack.
"WHERE IS SHE!?" Julie screamed making me jump.
"WHERE IS WHO?" I screamed back.
"Alicia?" Julie asked in a terrifyingly sweet voice with a matching smile.
"Umm, I don't know." I told her.
"Dang it Brook took the brick." Julie hissed and left.
"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH A FUCKING BRICK." I screamed back. I chucked out all the rubbish and changed into my paddock boots and jeans. I pulled a oversized purple hoodie over my shirt and headed to the stable. I heard river nicker. It sounded like she was stressed. I hurried over and I screamed. River!s fake leg was missing. River had a few cuts I guessed where from trying to stand.
"You gotta stay down, I'll call Mr. Corner." I told river. River kept trying to get up so I forced her to lie down.
"He must be in a meeting if he isn't picking up, I'll go to his office." I told river.
"Bonnie. Do what ever to keep river lying down." I knew Bonnie wouldn't understand me but it was worth a shot. Instead of knocking I opened his door.
"Aella I'm in a meeting." Mr. Corner told me.
"Rivers leg is missing." I told him. The people sitting across from him looked shocked.
"It's a fake leg." I told them and the colour returned to there faces.
"Excuse me." Mr, corner told them and hurried over to river.
"What do we do? She gonna hurt herself." I asked holding river down.
"I'll try and find her leg. You keep her lying down even if you have to tie her down. She could break another leg." He told me giving me a heart attack and left.
"River. River. River. Stay down." I told her. River  tossed her head in panic.
"River. It's gonna be okay." I told her. Mr corner came over.
"I've called the guy that gave River her leg. He's gonna come over and give her a new one. We gotta keep her calm for a hour.
"She is a foal. With heaps of energy." I was panicking a bit.
"We need to not do anything. Bonnie will bite her if she tries to act up." He told me. I stepped back and out of the stable.

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