<~> what a great day <~>

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I looked over into snickers stall and he was gone. Snickers loved sneaking out so we just let him roam around the stable. I headed over to blue who was nuzzling Bonnie. I grabbed my stud halter that was made for dealing with stallions that where being a little spicy. I lead him to the crossties and swapped the halters over and began grooming blue. I stood up on my tippy toes and tacked him up. I had been in the stable all day and looked like I was going though hell but blue looked perfect. I lead blue into the arena and did the monster check then I halted him. I took my hands off his reins and grabbed onto the saddle and flipped myself upside down, I took my hands of the saddle and hug over it using my legs.
"Walk on Blue." I told him and grabbed onto the saddle as he walked. Alica walked in not even saying anything use to me doing this. Alex moved to the other side of th arena also use to me doing this.
"What the hell are you doing?" A shrill voice yelled. I took my hands of the saddle and covered my eyes.
"It's brook right." I asked. Alica nodded. We began warming up and I kept doing my trick riding.
"Canter." I told blue. I flipped the stirrup over from the other side and put my foot in it and took my hands of the saddle and let blue canter as I dangled from the saddle.
"Okay, everyone line up here. Aella..." mr. Corner paused. "Can you untangle your self and come here please." Mr. Corner asked. We all nodded and trotted over.
"Aella, how did you learn to do those tricks?" Mr. Corner asked. I took a breath and answered.
"When I got rimel I was Falling off heaps. So I decided to teach myself what to do if I fell. And I learnt how to catch myself upside down. Soon I started trick riding and never stopped." I explained wondering why he was asking.
"Can you show us one of your favourite tricks?" Mr. Corner asked. I nodded. I moved blue into a canter. I stood up in the saddle and gave him a tap on the chest with the slack on my reins and he bucked. I lept off and did a flip. Before I hit the ground I landed upside down with my legs over the saddle. Blue slowed to a walk and I took my legs out of the saddle and flipped landing on my feet.
"Good boy blue." I gave him a treat from my pocket. /
"Thats easy!" Brook laughed. Alicia shot her a look.
"Then try it." Mr. Corner told brook. Her face went pink.
"Now beofre we start this lesson I have somthing veryb important to address." Mr. Corner crossed his arms and lowed his eyes brows. I knew this could only be bad.
"I ahve found out that a certain team member has been bullying another teammate. If they dont shape there act up you will be exposed at the entire school assembly next week." Mr. Corner told us. Brooks face went bright red.
"Now take your stirrups of the saddle and walk." Mr. Corner told us. I took them off and choked them over the fence of the arena. Blue moved into a speedy canter forcing me into the back of the saddle. I reached for some mane when he swerved and I fell onto the sand. Before anyone saiid anything I gave blue a pat and calmed him down and mounted back on and kept walking him.
"Okay everyone I would like you to stand up in your saddle while your horse is still." Mr. Corner told us. Within seconds I stood up on blues back.
"You may walk if you feel ready." Alex was freaking out and was falling off heaps while Alicia was standing up chill. I got bored after a few laps and flipped myself into a handstand.
"Trot if your ready, if not just walk." Mr. Corner told us. I moved blue into a trot while still in a hand stand. After a while I flipped back into the saddle sitting down.
"Very nice. Now-" mr. Corner was cut off by Brook.
"Ya'll are lousy riders. I'm better" Brook laughed. Mr. Corner clearly fed up with Brook crossed his arms.
"Every one dismount." I looked at Alicia confused.
"You'll find out." Alica whispered as I shuddered.
"As Brook is being cocky we will be doing the rest of the weeks lessons from the ground." Mr. Corner told us. I looked at blue and blue looked at me.
"Trot" mr. Corner told us, I held blues reins and ran trotting with him, after nearly an hour I was ready to DIE.
"Now head back to the stable and treat your horses"
I was out of there leading Blue to his stable and untacking him when I noticed Bonnie was gone.
"Must be Brook." I groaned. I noticed some trails of Bonnie fur and got on Blue and started following the tracks. Soon we hit and open paddock.
"Find your crush." I told blue, he moved into a hasty gallop across the massive field, after a while I found Bonnie. I covered my eyes, Bonnie was covered in mud, water , dirt, leaves and who knows what.

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