<~>no. No. No. NO <~>

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People where around me but I just kept ignoring everyone who tried to get me to stop freaking out.
"Now everyone shut the fuck up. Get the vet and give River painkillers." I told them. I was shocked when everyone shut up. I stroked river as a vet injected some pain killers into her neck. River passed out. The vet and a few other people carried her into a trailer. It was padded and had high walls so she could be safe. I climbed into the crate with River. The cart started driving and Bonnie ran next to us. River woke up and started neighing in panic.
"Shhh its okay river." I told her. Once we got out of the paddock she was loaded into a horse float.
"Where gonna take her to the animal hospital. You can stay with her." The campus vet told us. I nodded and headed into the horse float. I sat in the seat in the horse float. Bonnie was loaded in next to her. The car started moving and river neighed in panic. She had never been trailed before.
"It's okay River. Your gonna be okay." Suddenly I felt freezing hold. I had just jumped into a lake it six in the morning.
"Your gonna be river. Your a medicine hat horse. You can heal your rider. You can heal yourself. You'll be okay." I told her. I prayed the myths of medicine hat horses being able to survive everything where true. We stopped and the trailer was opened. River was loaded onto on of those things for humans but for horses. Bonnie was also unloaded. I grabbed her and followed them into a stable out the back. I was told to let Bonnie in the stable next to her.
"Okay, where gonna x-ray her in a few hours. Try and keep river and Bonnie calm. Don't let Bonnie in the same stable as her cause she might freak out and hurt her more." A vet told us. She smiled and left.
"Aella." Mr. Corner put his arm on my shoulder.
"We should get you to a doctor." He told me.
"I'll stay here with river. She's hurt and I'm the only person she really knows." I told him.
"Okay Aella, I'm gonna head back to campus and call your parents about what happened."
"Can you see if brook and julie can come?" He nodded. I sat in the stable with river.
"Okay river can you lie down, its gonna help you feel better." I told her. She lay down. Bonnie was loudly neighing trying to get into the stable I was in.
"Shhh, bonnie. River is gonna be okay. Don't stress her out." I told bonnie. Bonnie whinnied sadly.
"River will be okay." I told bonnie. Rivers mane had grown. I started plaiting it.
"OH MY GOT AELLA!" Brook yelled and somehow jumped over the stable door that was close to two metres. Julie being more sensible opened the door and came in.
"Shes getting an x-ray soon. Her leg is probably broken really bad." I told them.
"Yep like we thought her leg is broken. It's very bad if she is to survive we will need to give her a surgery that will cost heaps of money but its very dangours. Or we could get her a fake leg that will mean she can do everything a normal horse came.We will have to keep her here for a week as she is a foal." The doctor told us leading River. She had a cast on her back leg and was walking slowly.
"Mr. Corner. Could I stay here and possibly volunteer and learn about equine care. I don't wanna leave River." I told him. She turned to the doctor and they started talking quietly. I took the leadrope and slowly lead river into the stable. I helped her lie down. She lay down in a pile of hay.
"Okay Aella, you can stay here over night but you have school so you can't but we will take you here every afternoon." He told me. I nodded.
"Now I've gotta head back to campus and you guys can stay here." He left and the vet smiled.
"We have a few horses here that need to be groomed so you can groom them." The vet told us.
"Thanks!" I smiled and kissed river and left to follow the vet. He lead us to a small mini horse that was covered in mud and had cuts.
"This is Oreo. She was rescued from an abusive home and we need to give her a surgery but first we need to brush her. She love being brushed but is shy around her head. She dosen't nip though." He left and we all grabbed brushes and started brushing the small horse.
"Do you reckon Alicia did it?" I asked.
"Yeah. Mr. Corner check the camera footage she is suspended for the rest of the year." Brook told me.
"I just hope that River is okay. I know she will be." They all nodded and I kept brushing Oreo till she was clean. I headed back to river she she stood up weirdly.
"Hey River." I told her. I lay down and river started eating my hair.
"Your a cutie huh girl." I told her kissing her muzzle.
"How do we get the money. The surgery is to risky. We need the fake leg and it costs half a million." I asked.
"We coukd start a YouTube channel about her journey and set up a go fund me help her get surgery." Brook suggested.
"Great idea!" I told her.
"Well I just created the channel so lets make a video!" Brook told us. We filmed River doing cute things. River tried to stand up and fell. Bonnie reared up trying to get into rivers stable.
"Please help us give River the fake leg so she can have the life she deserves." We told the Camera and started editing it. We uploaded it and closed our eyes and hoped at least one person would watch out.

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