Bjorn x fem! reader

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tw : strangulation ; sex in the water ; dirty talk ; oral sex ; a little rough
kind of a mini enemies to lovers i guess, enjoy!!

    It's been a few weeks that you've joined Askeladd's army. You quickly found your place : there were many other women, and you made friends. One of your best friends, Tina, always used to say that you brought sunshine when you arrived.

    It was true that you were funny and always in a good mood. Your smile used to cheer up the soldiers when they were exhausted. All expect Bjorn.

    You didn't know what you may have done to him, but he genuinely hated you, no matter what you tried to improve your relationship.

    On a Sunday, you came to the river to wash yourself before the men woke up and distributed you. You liked this moment : all alone in the fresh water, you felt so good by taking care of you.

- Ugh, for god's sake...

You recognized that deep voice behind you and instantly froze : it was Bjron. And you were naked with water only up to your waist. You pretended that you didn't hear him and continued to advance in the water, so your body was fully immersed.

You glanced at him and you saw him getting undressed. You sighed. This was gonna be so embarrassing. But you also noticed his huge body, full of thick muscles. You looked away.

- Stop staring hungrily at me, he ordered as the water surrounded him.

- I'm not, you responded. It's just curious that you decided to wash yourself exactly when I'm already at the river.

Your provocation did work on him, he frowned and tightened his fists.

- Calm down Bjron, you said. I don't know what's your problem with me, but I wish we could talk about this...

- I don't want to talk with you, he cut you short. You're not interesting enough. I just don't get it : why does Askeladd like you so much ?

You hold you laugh. The penny dropped.

- Bjorn, don't tell me you're jealous of...

- SHUT UP ! I'm not !

- If you say so, you sighed.

You finished washing yourself, in a hurry to leave him. What an asshole, you thinked. But when you started to get out of the water, you could feel his eyes devouring your back, your long hair stuck on it.

- Wait, (y/n), he mumbled. In fact, I do feel jealous. Askeladd is my friend, but seeing him so intimate with you... It gets me hot under the collar.

- There is nothing between me and Askeladd, you said. I don't know what you're talking about.

You were a little irritated.

- But, Bjorn said. When you go into his tent almost every night...

- We talk, that's all. Askeladd is my friend : he saved me from a slavery life. He would never expect anything from me.

Bjron acted like he just saw a ghost. You understood where this was going : he liked you, it was obvious.

- Bjorn, do you like me ?

- If I like you ? he repeated.

He approached, and through the water, you could see all of him. You couldn't help but notice that he has been spoiled by Mother Nature. After all, it had been a long time since you had sex... You tried to focus on the conversation, as he stared at your wet hair stuck on your breasts and his cheeks became instantaneously dark red.

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