daddy Askeladd x chubby reader

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here's an os for all my chubby girls just like me lmao,, we do deserve a man as kind as askeladd <3
tw: daddy kink, oral sex, squirting, (little) slap.
i hope you're gonna like this os

It's been a hard battle you guys just won. Lord Askeladd was proud of his troops, and obviously you were a part of it.

- You fought bravely today, congratulations ! Let's drink now ! he shouted.

Everybody was exhausted, but also everybody loved to have a few beers before going to sleep. Then again, you were a part of it.

You decided to get a little drunk with your comrades, and alcohol smashed you fast. Your cheeks were red and warm. You could barely sit on your stool.

Due to how you felt, you nearly fell over, but a strong hand caught your arm. It was Lord Askeladd.

- Thank you, my Lord, you said softly.

It was the first time ever you talked to him in person. He was very intimidating, his blue gaze analyzed you and probably judged you for being this drunk so early in the night.

- Come with me, he ordered. You obviously need to rest.

You obeyed and followed him through the mass of drunk people around you. While you tried to stay near him so as not to lose him in the crowd, you started to watch his blonde hair fall on his powerful neck. You could tell he was so damn athletic.

He took you to a tent, and followed you inside.

- You need to take off your armor, he said while turning his back on you. Take your time, but I'll assure myself that you're in bed.

You blushed, and tried to take off your equipment. It was so difficult, you didn't manage to unbuckle your belt.

- Lord Askeladd... you said.

- Mh ?

He came back to you and guessed what you were going to ask him. He helped you, without touching you. The fact that he didn't touch you on purpose kind of hurt you. Was he disgusted by you ?

- Lord Askeladd... Do I disgust you ?

He opened his eyes wide. For sure, he was surprised.

- (y/n)... Why would I be ?

- Don't know... you lied. You're undressing me but not touching me...

Askeladd looked away and you could tell he blushed a little.

- I didn't know you wanted me to, he said.

- I think I do, you responded. But I'm scared that you would think that I'm too ugly for a man like you.

Thanks to your state, you could talk to him without any restraint. You were perfectly honest with him. Maybe too much.

- You think you're ugly ? Why ? he asked seriously.

- Because of my weight, that's it.

Some tears started to fill your eyes. Askeladd caught them with his thumb and he smiled at you.

- The only times I've had sex with men, they did it to win some bets, you admitted.

- Were these men soldiers in my army ? he asked and his eyes darkened.

- No, you mumbled. I was a teenager. It was years ago.

Askeladd ended up undressing you and admired you from your hair to your toes. Your breath was short.

- I don't understand why you said that you were ugly. I disagree.

- You're nice, you said, hiding yourself the best you could.

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