dom! askeladd x sub! fem! reader

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tw : dom and sub relationship ; dirty talk ; rough sex ; unprotected sex ; askeladd is kind of mean ; oral sex : slapping ; facial ejaculation
words : 946

-Sooooo...Askeladd mumbled, and you could hear he was pissed off.

You knew you'd make him angry, but not at this point. You didn't dare to look him in the eyes and let him tie your wrists with his leather belt. He tightened until you squeaked in pain.

-(y/n), he growled. What am I gonna do with you ? You disrespected me.

You were naked on the bed, with your wrists tied against your chest. You did know you disobeyed.

-I'm sorry, Ask...

-Shut up, he cut you short. Don't talk. For now.

He slowly got undressed, but kept his shirt on. He knew you hated when you couldn't see his beautiful muscles. Despite the fact that he was going to punish you, you couldn't help but feel excited. You squeezed your legs at the sight of his cock.

-So, (y/n), you decided to masturbate without my permission. Why did you do that ? You knew I was going to find out, didn't you ?

You just nodded, your eyes claiming for his pity.

-Did you do that on purpose to get punished ?

You said nothing and looked away. He ran above your face and slapped you. The little pain you felt nearly made you moan.

-Answer me ! he demanded. tried not to cry because of how desperate you were for his touch. I was bored, you were gone to the battlefield for almost two weeks and...

-Enough. The results are the same : someone heard you and told me. And now, I have to punish you.

He approached you and forced you to look at him, holding your jaw in his large hand.

-You know what that means, don't you, you little slut ?

You whimpered as he slapped you again, making your cheek red. It was painful, of course, but in an erotic way. Seeing the devil in his eyes made you so wet. You couldn't wait for him to wickedly fuck you.

-Get off the bed and get on your knees.

You obeyed, and by standing in front of you, he took your face between his hands.

-You wanted me to fuck you, huh ? Not this time, you brat. You thought you could fool me to get what you wanted.

You felt so disappointed, and angry against yourself. How could you believe that you'll manage to fool him ?

-You're pathetic. Gonna make you think about what you did.

    He pushed his cock inside your mouth without waiting for you to be ready. You gagged loudly but obviously he didn't care. He pounded into your mouth with no mercy. When he finally let you rest, your breath was short, you gasped for air. He slapped you again.

-Will you disrespect me again ? he asked with an evil smirk.

-N...No, Sir.

-Open your mouth.

He spat in your mouth and waited for you to swallow it. When it was done, you looked at him, and saw sweat beginning to pearl on his face. He was so close. He took so much pleasure by assuring his role of Master. You smiled because it pleased you to see him like that, and when you realized what you just did, it was already too late. He saw you.

-Does that make you laugh, you whore ? You're gonna regret laughing at me, I promise you.

He put his cock back in your mouth and grabbed your throat at the same time. You could barely breath.

-Suck me, he ordered. And lick it with your slut's tongue. Yeah, just like that.

Because of the fact that you tried not to gag, tears began to flow on your face, and he made him even angrier. He slapped you again, while fucking your desperate mouth.

-Don't you dare cry, he threatened.  I hope your masturbating session worthed it. You deserve it and you know that.

Indeed, you knew, and you loved it. Making him so angry that he didn't know how to punish you. It was true that you were a brat, and even if he wouldn't admit it, he loved you that way. Askeladd loved that someone in his life had the courage to resist him.

-Fuck, he growled. Gonna come on your face, and you're gonna stay here, gently, waiting for your reward for sucking me good.

You closed your mouth and waited, eyes closed too, to feel his cum squirt on your face. His seed was hot and dropped on your like the thunders of his orgasm.

-That's it, my beautiful princess, just stay like this. Love seeing you like this.

    You two were laying on the bed, holding hands. You were resting, your head on his chest, as he caressed your hair.

-Did I hurt you when I slapped you ? he asked.

-Yes, you did, you responded honestly. But I didn't use the safeword, so you know it wasn't too much.

Askeladd seems to be relieved.

-I liked it when you called me Sir, he noticed. Maybe we should add it to the rules.

-If you want to, Sir.

Askeladd smirked at you and kissed you on your lips. You kissed him back. You were head over heels in love with him.

-Can I ask you something ?

-Anything, my princess.

-Who snitched me ? you asked, curiously. Was it Bjorn ?

Askeladd laughed and you saw in his eyes that once again, he beated you at your own game. He rode you like a book.

-Nobody told me anything. I just knew that you did. Who wouldn't have done it ? I mean, two weeks !

hope you liked this one!!

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