Thorkell x fem! reader

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this os does not take place in the original universe, but nowadays, precisely in a nightclub, i got this idea when i went to one for halloween lmao, i hope you'll like this os anyway
this os is a little longer than the others because i just had too much fun writing the clubbing part

tw : unprotected sex ; rough sex ; dirty talk ; one night stand ; in a car
words : 3174

You just couldn't miss that night at your favorite nightclub. Indeed, the owners teased a night "2000s music only" on social media. You and your friend were so impatient to go. You did a before at your place, so you didn't spend all your salaries by buying drinks.

- I think you've drunk enough for now, you said by grabbing his glass from your friend's hand.

- I... i'M nOt DrUnk ! he stuttered.

- Thorfinn, let's go, you cut short. I don't want to miss a single song. Imagine what would happen if we miss Poker Face...

- You would never forgive me, he smiled.

Thorfinn was your best friend. You met him at college, where the two of you were too shy to start meeting new people. You were forced to do a presentation together, and you instantly became friends. You discovered student life with him : bars, nightclubs, going on trips... It was reassuring to have him in your life.

You approached the entry, and lucky for you, you didn't have to stand in line.

- How's my makeup ? you asked him. And my outfit ?

- You look gorgeous, as always ; don't worry. What about me ?

You took his face in your hands so you checked if the glitter on his eyes had moved.

- Perfect, you said. I can't believe you accepted to wear makeup !

You were now at the entry, facing two bouncers. They were very tall, and even if you came at this club often, you've never saw them. One of them was a true giant, blonde haired. His percent eyes met you and Thorfinn.

- Good evening, you said. Can we go inside ?

- We're dressed for the occasion, Thorfinn intervened.

- Mh, said the second bouncer with no emotion in his voice. You can go. Have fun.

The club was full, you couldn't walk without bumping into someone. But the music was just as you expected, and you had a lot of fun with your friend. Due to your proximity, people would obviously thinked that you two were together, so nobody tried to importunate you.

- Stop calling, STOP CALLING ! you sang.

- I don't wanna think anymore...Thorfinn responded while miming a phone with his hand.

- I GOT MY HEAD AND MY HEART ON THE DANCEFLOOR ! you both screamed more than sang.

A few hours passed and while clubbing, you ordered so many more drinks, and Thorfinn started to feel sick because of the alcohol. You took him to the toilets, and he threw up while you were holding his long hair into a messy ponytail.

- Gosh, you said. That's disgusting. What did you eat recently ? Shrimps ?

- Sorry... he mumbled. Maybe I drank too much...

- The hangover will punish you, don't worry.

You helped Thorfinn clean his face and you went back to the dancefloor, but the mood was gone. It was nearly 5am and most of the people were gone or too tired to dance.

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