bjorn x fem! reader

66 1 4

hi everyone!! an os longer than usual because i got inspired by the situation! i hope you'll like it 
tw : unprotected sex ; oral sex 
words : nearly 2520


You've never been in that kind of situation. The battle was harder than usual. Askeladd had promised that it would be like the others : you attack, you make the people leave the place, and then you settle here to pass winter. But what he had not thought of was that the inhabitants were good fighters.

You were struggling with a tall man. His strength surpassed you and it began to be difficult for you to avoid his assaults. Your muscles started to hurt, you could barely move your sword.

"So you think you can just come here and make us leave without fighting ? Take that, woman !"

The ax passed so close you could feel the blade caress your face. Blood splashed on the ground and your vision was blurred. You couldn't see where he was anymore. The next attack will be fatal.

But suddenly you felt someone grabbing you by the shoulders and throwing you away. You fell because of the speed of the action.

"Run, y/n ! Go hide yourself !" a familiar voice ordered you.

It was Bjorn, Askeladd's henchman. You knew he didn't save you because it was you, but because he enjoyed the thrill of fighting. He loved to kill.

You did what he told you and found a place in the forest to rest. Your vision became darker, and you passed out, only hearing the sound of steel clicking and men shouting.

Your head was painful. You tried to touch your forehead to assess the injury, but the only thing you felt was soft : it was a piece of cloth. You opened your eyes and the sunlight made you close them.

"Does it still hurt ?" someone asked you.

"I... Who is this ?"

There was no response except a hand taking away the fabric off your face. It got replaced by another wet one. The freshness made you shiver, but it was pleasant and relieved the pain.

"I thought you were going to get killed, y/n. That man really was going to kill you."

You finally recognized Bjron. You noticed that the fabric of his shirt was ripped.

"Did you.. Heal me ?" you mumbled.

"I did. But don't you dare think I'm doing this for you. I heal you because you're an advantage for the group. Except yesterday, of course."

You didn't want to argue with him, so you didn't take personally what he just said.

"Thank you for taking care of me, you managed to articulate. You saved my life."

For a second, his face softened. But he immediately put back his mysterious mask. But you noticed your speech pleased him.

"Let's join the rest of the troup, " he said. "Askeladd kept you a room so you can fully recover."

He grabbed you gently and lifted you from the ground. His powerful arms circled you like a princess. You could have listened to the beating of his heart if you wanted to. From your position, you could examine the shape of his jaw between his beard, his straight nose, and his long hair falling around his face. His eyes catched yours and pulled you off your observations.

"What are you looking at ?" he asked as he frowned.

"No...Nothing, you said by looking away."

His cheeks blushed a little. Here was a thing he couldn't hide between his disinterested allure.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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