Fandom Day

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Thomas sat quietly on the couch. You had forced him to start reading some of your book fandoms.

When all of a sudden you jumped out from the hallway and shout, "Whoooooooose ready for some Fandom Mania?"

Thomas jumped, dropping his book. He turned and stared you. "What?"

You sigh. "Today is Fandom Day and I'm giving you a quiz to see if you know my fandoms."

He smiled at your excitement and nodded. "I'm ready."

You giggled and leaped onto the couch next to Thomas. You pulled out a sheet of paper from your pocket. "First question is from Doctor Who. Name all the companions of the 10th Doctor."

"Oh I know this. Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, and ..... Donna Noble."

"Correct!!" You exclaim and you lean over and kiss him.

Thomas smiled. "Is that my reward for every question I get right?" You nodded. "And what if I get one wrong?"

"Then you have to watch a season/read that book to find the answer."

Thomas gulped. "Harsh."

You smiled and kissed him. You looked at the quiz for the next question. "Next question is from Supernatural. How did John Winchester die?"

Thomas got excited. "I just watched that one! He traded his life to the Yellow-Eyed Demon to save Dean's life."

"Ding ding!" You kissed him again. Thomas smiled.

"Next question is from Percy Jackson. Who is the god parent of Hazel?"

He thinks about it a minute. "Hades?"

"Close but I'll give it to you." You kissed his cheek. "It was Pluto. She's Roman."

He smacked his forehead. "Oh! I knew that." You smiled at his frustration.

"You'll have another chance. Next question is from Harry Potter. What is the disarming spell?"

He shoots his hand up in the air making you jump. "Expelliermis!"

'Aww my little nerd!' You thought. Then you leaned over and gave him a longer kiss. "That's for your excitement." He smiled.

"Now this question is from The Mortal Instruments. Name the 3 reasons Alec doesn't make pies?"

He smiled. "I love that part. 1) Don't have the ingredients 2) don't know how to bake pie 3) he's not your bitch." (sorry for the swearing)

You take his hand and lightly slap it. "Watch your mouth young man." Thomas looked down sadly like a child getting a scolding. You smiled and kissed him, "But it was correct."He smiled.

"Now the last several questions are going to be who said it." Thomas nodded and you read off the question, "Who said, 'I'm simply one hell of a butler'?"

He smiled slyly, "Sebastian."

You pecked him on the nose. "Correct. Now who said, 'With great power comes great responsibility to take a nap'?"

Without hesitation, he answered, "Nico di'Angelo."

You kissed him once again. "Well done, baby. Now this the last question. Who said, 'Great, we all bloody inspiration'?"

He smiled big. "Newt!" You smiled and tackled in a hug.

"Excellent job babe," you congratulate him as you butterfly kiss him all of his face. "At least you were paying attention to my ranting."

He kissed your forehead. "I don't mind your ranting." You smiled. Thomas was officially a fanboy.

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