[3] Cool-Up

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You took a moment to scan your body, letting your eyes roam from your head down to your toes. You couldn't believe how quickly and efficiently the mysterious man had healed you. It was as if he could restore your body to its former state; almost everything was healed except for your back, which was still covered in scars. You wondered if those scars were from the injuries you had when you first woke up or if they had been there before then.

Despite your curiosity, you decided to brush it off for now and focus on the new life given to you.

After the healing ritual, you were taken to a room to rest. The room was quiet and dark, and you felt your body sinking into the soft mattress. You slept for what felt like days, almost an entire week.

When you finally woke up, your throat was parched, and your stomach was growling. You tried to look for someone to ask for help through the dark hallways but found nobody - only the eerie darkness that surrounded you.

You took it upon yourself to find these two sources. Making your way to what appeared to be a dining room/kitchen, you concluded that there was no water or food to be found. Panic began to creep in until a tap on your shoulder caused you to jump and whip around.

"Woah, calm down! It's just me." The man who saved you appeared quietly behind you, holding a taper candle. The only light source illuminating the area. "Finally awoke from your slumber, I see."

"Yes..." You gulp. "I'm-."

"Thirsty? Hungry?" He finishes your sentence, walks past you, and enters further into the darkness.

"Yes, how did you-?"

"Know? You were out for almost a week. You didn't need anything while asleep because my magic that healed you was enough to keep your health sustained until then. But now that you are awake, that's a different thing." He sets the candle down on a surface. "Besides, you're mortal. You need essential needs like food and water."

You hear him move around as he fades away from the candle.

"Sorry, we don't have anything. Myself included, and everyone else doesn't need those kinds of things. But I'll ensure we find something as quickly as possible."

"Thank you..." You say softly.

"Here you go!" The man steps back into the frame with a bowl of assorted fruits. "We'll start with light food for your system. From what I remember, it's better this way than gradually work upward after a while." He hands it to you and carefully holds it in your hands. "And we can't forget to introduce ourselves!" The man grins brightly. "Here, please hold this for a second." He hands you the candle, and you hold it in your free hand.

The man inhales deeply, and a sense of anticipation fills the air. Clapping his hands together with a loud crack, you two are whisked away to another part of the mansion.

Feeling your heart racing as you try to take in your new surroundings. Both items in your hands vanished into thin air.

The man senses your apprehension and speaks soothingly, "Don't be startled." With another sharp clap of his hands, the room is bathed in the warm glow of the flickering candles and the elegant chandelier above.

You two stand at the entrance of the building, noticing two staircases split in the middle, leading to a maze of rooms.

The lighting improves, and you get a better look at your savior.

He reaches out to take your hand, which you allow. "What's your name, dear?" Leaning in and kisses the top of your hand gently.


"My name is King Boo, and it's a pleasure to officially meet you..."


The Ghost Bride (Human! King Boo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now