[5] Restart, Redo

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The silence of the night is suddenly shattered by a loud crash reverberating through the hallways. 

King Boo, who had just finished setting up another room, is jolted by the noise and quickly rushes to the source of the disturbance. As he enters the dimly lit downstairs, his eyes fall upon a chaotic scene: books, curtains, and furniture are scattered haphazardly across the floor, and someone struggles to extricate themselves from the mess. 

And to his surprise, it's you!

You look up and see him standing at the entrance, his face etched with a mix of concern and relief. You implore his aid, and he rushes over to help. 

Boo swiftly removes the objects that are pinning you down and helps you back onto your feet. "What happened?" He asks, his voice filled with genuine concern.

"I was doing what you asked me to do. I was cleaning the downstairs area," You reply, feeling embarrassed for causing such chaos.

The man chuckles and shakes his head. "Not this downstairs area, dear," He says, gesturing to the mess behind you. 

A towering wall of old bookshelves and furniture separates you two from the lengthy stretch of the room beyond, almost as if it was deliberately designed to prevent anyone from venturing further than the point of entry. 

"I apologize for not being clear."

You mumble, "I don't remember how to do things besides the essentials for a mortal like me."

Boo tries to contain his glee but fails, making you glance at him. "What? Is something the matter?"

"No, just reminiscing about when I was once like you," He replies with a sorrowful smile. His purple eyes gaze off, lost in thought.

"Doing menial tasks?" You question, intrigued by his past.

Boo shakes his head, his white hair swaying as he does so. "No, being mortal..." He moves to the other side of the room and adjusts a bookshelf back into place. 

This statement piques your interest. "You were alive once?"

The man halts, and a deep gloom emanates from his exterior. "Yes, but that was long ago..." His voice filled with melancholy, dismissing his comment. "That's not important right now. Right now, I'll show you how to do what you need." Boo grabs the broom and beams at you. "Are you ready to relearn?"

You blink a couple of times and then nod. "Yes..."

The Ghost King teaches you step by step with patience and care that you get the hang of it fairly quickly and correctly when it is your turn to do it yourself. 


You repeat in your mind. 

I wonder what happened...


The Ghost Bride (Human! King Boo X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now