[7] Another Mortal?

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That's the question the sovereign can't grasp his phantom mind around.

The possibility of traveling from a completely different world from the green pipe system is simply impossible...

Or so it was thought...

King Boo's amethyst gems for eyes are shut tight, attempting to see further the reasoning behind the arrival that baffled him beyond belief. His organs shift around, and his eyelids want to force themselves open as they can 'see' easier this way. 

Wishing to continue more of his search, he is sadly halted as he senses your presence approaching the room.

Oh, deary...

The man comes to a sudden halt, and the shimmering violet bubble enveloping his power bursts, leaving him looking presentable.

As you approach the door behind which King Boo resides, you raise your fist, intending to knock.

However, before your hand can reach the door, it swings open, revealing the monarch, who appears unfazed by your unexpected presence.

"Your highness, please forgive me for the interruption, but an important matter requires your attention from me." You say respectfully. 

"What may it be, dear?" He inquires with curiosity, his gaze unwavering.

"Are there others here besides yourself? A king surely has subjects, do you not?" You ask the question, already knowing the answer.

"Do I?" The man says, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "Of course I do! I wouldn't be a king without them!" He explains with a smile, his white hair and floating crown bounce as he gestures animatedly.

"I see. So, why haven't I seen anyone? I vaguely remember hearing voices that weren't yours when I was brought in..."

King Boo quickly discerns the subject you're addressing as the 'matter' at hand. "You've encountered them already, haven't you?" He tilts his head to the side, infusing his words with a creepy undertone. 

This immediately sends a shiver down your spine, realizing he knows your question's answer. 

It catches you completely off guard. 

The man then flashes a closed-eyed smile. "I'll interpret that as a yes, shouldn't I? Because nothing eludes my notice..."

A sudden tightening in your throat materializes, his demeanor inadvertently triggering a surge of fear deep within you. 

Unsure whether he can distinguish or sense your reaction, you watch as he quickly detects your unease and immediately attempts to reassure you.

"Ah, please don't be concerned! That wasn't my intention at all!" Boo's face turns a shade of pink against his skin, clearly embarrassed. He covers it with his hands, swaying his head back and forth. "I apologize; let me put it differently..." His voice is muffled by his hands, which you suddenly notice are larger than you had initially thought.

Is this what the siblings were talking about with his attitude?

"Ectoplasm must have landed on you from a nearby source that isn't mine." He explains. The royal's shame fades as he observes your demeanor calming down after he swiftly adjusts his approach. "Let me take a guess— it was two curious siblings, wasn't it?"

The gap of hesitation to make up something on the spot turns sideways when he catches on to it.

"I had a feeling that would happen. They always manage to slip past my defenses, but they aren't there yet..."

"I'm sorry; I didn't want to get them into trouble by giving in quickly and revealing that fact, although I must admit, it was nice talking to them." You say with a grateful tone.

Boo quickly realizes his decree to prevent anyone from engaging with you has backfired. He ponders this in his ghostly state, believing it might explain why you had appeared before him. "Can I assume that all of this is related to what you wish to discuss with me?"

You offer a hesitant smile. "Y-yes..."

He nods and gestures for you to walk alongside him. "Walk with me and share what's on your mind."

As you two pass through the dimly lit corridors, the walls are lined with numerous doors on each side. Walking alongside him, you feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "You've figured me out, your majesty. But I understand your need for caution with a stranger like me." You convey, trying to conceal any hint of sadness as you seek to comprehend his actions. Evidently, he took necessary precautions as a monarch, possibly with a lot at stake.

The man seems to be deeply affected by your words. "Perhaps I was too hasty in forming my opinion of you, especially given the circumstances..."

King Boo guides you to the railing overlooking the main entrance; he speaks softly, "Little is known about you and your origins, but I have concluded that you, my dear, pose no threat." A gentle smile crosses his face. "Especially not to me..." His reassuring gesture helps to ease your tension.

The silence is abruptly shattered by a resounding knock echoing through the entrance doors before either of you can utter another word.

You both turn toward the source of the sound, your heart racing as you watch with cautious anticipation.

Boo fixates on the object, his violet eyes widening in astonishment. "That can't be..." He murmurs in disbelief, immediately raising his guard.

The doors swing wide open, and the force of the movement extinguishes all nearby candles within a twenty-meter radius, shrouding everything in impenetrable darkness. The only source of light is the soft, eerie glow of the moon from the outside, casting an otherworldly illumination upon the figure standing on the threshold.

As your eyes adjust, you determine the silhouette of a man in green, wearing overalls and a mustache. 

The look of sheer terror engraved on his face is unmistakable even from a distance.

Who is that..?


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