[8] A Woolly Problem

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"A man..." In a low, menacing tone, King Boo mutters as his piercing gaze locks onto the newcomer. His initial disdain quickly morphs into a devious plot, causing a sinister grin to spread across his face. "Perfect..." He breathes quietly, his violet eyes gleaming with a cunning glint.

"Wait, what-?"

Without a moment for a blink, the monarch vanishes into thin air, only to reappear downstairs, where the stranger cautiously enters.

What is he doing? 

You question with a hint of unease. 

The man's hands quiver as he struggles to switch on his flashlight, repeatedly tapping it until a dim light finally pierces the darkness. 

In that eerie glow, King Boo's menacing figure emerges, leering at the helpless stranger with his elongated tongue. Consumed by overwhelming fear, the man lost consciousness and crumbled to the ground. The phantom reveles in his cruel triumph, laughing loudly.

"Your majesty!" You observe the unfolding scene, making your way down the stairs. "Why would you do that?" You express as you look down at the unconscious male, a tinge of sadness in your eyes. Glancing back up at Boo, you switch up and glare at his actions. 

A playful lift of his brow accompanies the devilish twinkle in his eyes. "My dear, scaring one another is engraved in our ghostly nature. Haunting and spooking are fundamental to our existence. Especially living beings." He explains with a knowing smile.

You place your hand on your hips, a look of frustration on your face. "If so, why wasn't that done to me then?"

Boo chuckles softly. "If you don't remember, you were staggering on the edge of death; frightening you would have sealed your fate." He points out. "Besides, you're the only person I'd make an exception for. Count yourself lucky." The man states with his arms still folded. 


He nods. "And besides, why are you so upset over a random stranger? For all we know, he could be a terrible person!" Boo tries to counter. 

"How would you know?" You retort forcefully. 

"...I can see the auras of living and non-living beings..."

The unexpected answer takes you by surprise. "You can determine if something or someone is wicked? How is that possible?"

"A color envelops the being," He starts to elaborate. "A dark red or black signifies malicious deeds and hateful intentions, while a light shade of white or pink signifies virtue and integrity."

"What aura does he have, then?" You question, pointing down at the man. 

Boo soughs, knowing he can't lie his way out of this one. With a long sigh, he says, "A white one..." 

You smile slightly, sensing he didn't pose a threat at first glance. "What about me then? What color is my aura?" 

His eyes shift to you, then back at the outsider. "Undecided."

You till your head in confusion. "Why is that?" 

"Probably because you haven't regained your memories yet because the color of your aura keeps shifting back and forth."

Your smile slowly fades as you respond, "I understand..." Lost in contemplation, you sense a cold but gentle poke on the center of your forehead. Raising your head, you spot Boo with a reassuring smile. "I will unravel this soon, my dear. Trust me." He withdraws his hand and tucks both into his vest pockets. "Alright?" His white hair cascades over his face, and his striking purple eyes.

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