[2] A Ghoulish Deal

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You were lifted off the ground by a mysterious force. 

As it happens, the voices you heard earlier continue to converse. They carry you towards the mansion, but the pain is too much for you to bear, and you eventually pass out. Thinking it was the end, but to your surprise, you woke up again, albeit with your vision still blurry. 

You hear voices that are faint and hard to make out.

"How can he fix this?! She beyond helping!"

"Be quiet! Our king can do anything, or have you forgotten?!"

So loud...

But those are two different voices than before...

Four voices bounce back and forth, discussing what to do until they suddenly stop and go silent.

"There's no need to be so loud, children." A deep masculine voice states, approaching closer.

"Huh..?" You muster enough strength to mumble and open your eyes partially. Your vision slowly adjusts, and see a figure standing over you. Trying to focus, the sight of who you saw caught you off guard, causing you almost to open your eyes wide, if not wider. 

A dark apparition transforms into a person.

The towering figure has a striking appearance. 

Dark skin is offset by white locks of hair. His face is illuminated by the intense glow of his eyes, which shimmer with a vivid purple hue. The floating crown resting atop his head indicates his regal bearing, symbolizing his power and status. It hovers above him, almost as if held aloft by magic.

Your gaze slowly travels down his form, noticing that he is dressed in a sleek and stylish suit. 

He stares down at your broken form; you can't help but wonder who he is and what he wants with you. "It's okay, girl." The man says softly, taking hold of your hand. "You're safe."

"Where am I, and who are you?" You ask weakly, a small amount of blood leaking from the corner of your mouth.

"Those questions are important, but right now, they're the least of your problems." He comments, examining you from head to toe, cringing at the horrendous state of your body and mind.

You feel your eyes start to roll to the back of your head, the pain taking its course yet again and eating you from inside to the outside. "Oh, it hurts..." You breathe out. "Everything hurts..!" The sudden outburst startles everyone in the room, but the man remains calm. Feeling the last vestiges of life leaving your body, and the excruciating pain becomes unbearable. Longing for a quick release from the agony rather than endure another second. 

You grasp his hand tightly, but your grip is weak, like a newborn baby's. 

It's a desperate plea for help, a final attempt to hold onto life. 

"If you save me or not, please..." You pause, taking a moment to breathe. "Don't leave... I don't want to be alone..."

As soon as your words reach the man's ears, his face gives away a fleeting expression of surprise. However, his features softened, getting a brilliant idea to make things more interesting. "I most certainly can, and if I do, will you do anything for me in return?" His voice was laced with a hint of mischief. 

You nod lightly. "Anything... just take this pain away, by any means..."

"It's a deal then..." The man's gentle grip loosens around your hand, lifting you and holding you securely in his arms, feeling weightless as he carries you carefully. Cool air hits your face as you two move toward a new destination. You wonder where he is leading you.

Around the dark, desolate room, candles flickered, providing the only source of light. 

In the center of the room, he lays you down on a table. "Such a pretty face; what a shame it came down to this." He places a hand over your cheek. "You'll be returned to your original form soon, and you'll feel better than ever before you arrived here." 

He then began quietly chanting to himself.

A spell of some sort?

Violet hues and sparkles appear beneath you. These colors envelop your entire body, tightly covering you like a warm blanket. 

The man standing nearby watches intently as this happens, showing no fear of any potential errors that could occur during the process.

Suddenly, you feel a sensation as if you are being reborn. His words he previously spoke make sense as you experience complete healing. 

The wounds on your skin start to seal up, and any previously pounding aches throughout your body disappear. 

You take a deep breath, filling your lungs with fresh air.

Finally, the colors settle down, indicating the process is complete.

After a moment, you sit up, feeling your face and body. Amazed at the transformation that has just taken place. You're now fully healed, and everything feels perfect again. 

"I'm okay..." You say, looking down to be sure. "I'm alive..." Tears form in your eyes, overwhelmed by the outcome of this scenario.

"Glad to see you so happy." The man says, crouching down to meet your eyes. Your previous description did not do him justice; he is as bewitching as he is attractive. "Now, about the deal..." He holds a hand out. "In exchange for this favor..." He points to you with his free hand. "You now belong to me until you repay what you owe. The amount is substantial, so be prepared to work hard or remain here until your time comes again..."

You smile brightly, not caring about whatever you need to give to the stranger who saved your life. Taking his giant hand, you nod. "I did say anything and intend to honor my agreement..."


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