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──────────────── 10 years ago, 2001

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──────────────── 10 years ago, 2001

IT WAS Amalia's 6th birthday. Her mother had invited her whole class, which the young girl thought was painfully embarrassing. On the invitation, it stated that the party would start at 2pm sharp.

However, it had only been 1pm when she had started to realise that no one was coming. 1pm became 1.30, 1.45 - then 2pm rolled around.

Nobody showed up.

No one came. No one RSVP'd. Nothing.

"I'm sorry, honey." A deep-skinned woman gently pecked the girl on the forehead.

"It's okay, mommy." She muttered, "It's not your fault."

Amalia's mother was always good to her. They had the type of bond that many thought could only be portrayed in tales. A beautiful woman, 5'8 with the brightest smile. Curls for days and smooth, brown skin with a dimple crafted in her left cheek.

As soon as the older woman began to pack up the plates that had been neatly arranged, a distinct knock was heard from the garden gate.

The knocks were spread out, almost uncertain. Her mother wasted no time rushing over, paper plates in hand, and swung the gate open.

There stood two brown-haired boys, one was slightly shorter and paler while the other was taller and visibly more tan. And in one of the boy's arms was what looked like a box, wrapped in floral gift wrapping and topped with a pale pink bow to match.

The brunette lady and the boys spoke back and forth for a few seconds before she whipped her head around and smiled brightly at the birthday girl, teeth and all. Eventually, she escorted them to where Amalia was sitting - in front of her cake.

The cake was moderately large, as they had been expecting for it to feed quite a few guests. Adorned with several candles, cherries and pink buttercream frosting. Overall, very Amalia.

"Okay Am Am, this is Scott and this is Stiles." She pointed to both of them as she spoke, not bothering to conceal her pure excitement. The 6 year old just stared, birthday hat securely on and curly locks plaited with a bow tied neatly at the end.

"Goodness Amalia, manners?" She chuckled, "Well, say hello!" she proded, as she gestured towards the two awkward children.

She continued to stare blankly at them, raising an eyebrow as she tilted her head. Clearly, she wasn't expecting this to be her whole entourage.

"Uh, Happy Birthday!" Stiles finally blurted.

His friend had zoned out so he nudged him in his side, forcefully.

"Yeah, right! Happy Birthday, Amalia." Scott uttered. They proceeded to hand the girl the large box, accompanied by a pleasant smile from each of them.

The birthday girl managed to mutter the words 'thank you' then stared again as if to say 'now what?'.

The silence was broken by Mrs Forbes letting them know that they were free to have whatever they needed. She ended by saying that the three children could stay outside, unless their parents wanted to pick them up sooner.

As soon as her mother had left, the girl couldn't help but glare longingly at the grand birthday cake. Scott noticed and couldn't help but ask, "You're not going to eat that?"

Amalia giggled at the boy's silly question, "Of course I will, I love funfetti."

"Me too!" Both boys chirped in unison.

"Okay, but I like it more." Stiles argued.

"No, I do!" Scott retorted.

The three new friends broke out into laughter, bonding oddly over the birthday cake flavour. Her eyes flickered between the uneaten cake and the two boys stood before her, making her come to the obvious conclusion.

"Well, I guess you guys can stay."


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