005. hospital antics

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v. ❛ hospital antics ❜ ✧˖°

AND AFTER dropping that bomb of a claim, Stiles got up and began walking away.

I knew he was crazy. Didn't think he was that crazy. One thing I don't deal with is anything relating to death- bad vibes.

"Over my dead body!" I yelled after him.

I swivelled around to face Scott after realising the irony in my statement, "Don't say anything."

Scott raised his arms in defence and began to follow Stiles. Defeated once again, 2 against 1, I followed closely behind.

"Seriously, Stiles?" Scott began. But not even after a few seconds, he paused and stared.

I trailed his glare and it landed upon Allison, Lydia and some Lacrosse player. It seemed as though Lydia had finally managed to sink her claws into her.

Wasn't my problem, but Scott definitely seemed bothered by it.

He smoothly intercepted, causing Allison to break off from the unknown and Lydia. I wasn't interested in whatever they were going to talk about so I pushed ahead to resume the conversation with Stiles.

"You're joking, right?" I questioned.

"No, I'm not joking." He responded, as if I was asking the dumbest question ever.

"What happened to being normal this semester?"

"Everything stopped being normal the second Scott got bitten, and now Derek's a problem." He stated.

"Gosh, Stiles." I scoffed, "You don't even know if it was him. We can't just go around accusing some freaky drop-out of murder!"

"Yeah well, they're not accusations if I can prove it."

He was getting good with the comebacks, I needed to up my game. Stiles was right. Whether or not Derek killed the girl, the body was going to lead us to the truth. And if Derek didn't, then lucky us!

"Okay! Whatever..." I muttered, before turning to walk the other way.

"Oh and Amalia..?" Stiles called.

I hummed in response.

"Don't forget about your detention!" He smirked, throwing me a thumbs up. Before I could even reply, he'd already darted around the corner.

"Don't forget about your detention." I mimicked under my breath.

5.30pm, McCall house

Worst two hours of my life. Seriously. I would've rather stabbed my eye with a fork repeatedly than do that whole detention ever again. The clock ticking drove me insane, not to mention the constant gum chewing and slobber from the blonde in front of me. I wanted to slam her head into the table. Regretted that I didn't.

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