009. wildest dreams

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ix.    ❛  wildest dreams  ❜   ── .✦✮⋆˙

SCOTT AND I approached the Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital, takeaway bags in hand. My dad was working an overnight shift and so was Scott's mom, Melissa.

"Dude, I still can't believe you agreed to go bowling with them."

Scott shook his head painfully at the mention of it, "Agreed? I had no choice."

"In fact, I'm a great bowler." I mocked.

"I panicked, okay? I don't even know what I'm gonna do. Are you sure you won't come?"

I laughed again at the thought of it. Scott had been begging for me to 5th wheel since yesterday, "If Stiles is not going, there's no way in hell I am."

"Yeah, because he's the top tier moral support you need. You're the popular one, Ams."

Before I could protest, we'd already made it close to the hospital and were now strolling through the sliding doors of the hospital, nearing the front desk. Melissa beamed at the sight of us, "Is my beautiful, talented, and wonderful son actually bringing me dinner?"

Scott smiled proudly and leaned against the desk, "Thought you wouldn't mind skipping the cafeteria tonight."

"You are the most thoughtful, loving..." Scott continued to smile as she showered him in praise, " ...most conniving little con-artist ever."

His smile dropped as I laughed, "Isn't he, Amalia?"

Scott gasped in mock offence as Melissa continued, "You are so not getting the car tomorrow night."

This caused him to gasp again in disbelief, but actually serious this time. As he opened he went to argue, she diverted her attention to me.

"How is my favourite child doing?" She smiled, leaning into a hug from across the desk.

"I'm doing amazing," I intentionally exaggerated, "Do you know where my dad is?"

"He should be in the break room."

As I waved goodbye, I could hear the two of them going back and forth discussing the curfew. I had completely forgotten about that, not that I would be anywhere other than my home. I loved my bed way too much.

I eventually found my dad where Mellisa said he would be, "Ams! What are you doing here?"

"Just being the best daughter ever and dropping you off some food."

A wave of joy crashed over his stoic resting face and he embraced me, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"You are the best!" He chuckled heartily, "We'll talk later honey, I promise. Tonight's packed, I've gotta get back to the ICU."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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