002. a wolf in sheep's clothing

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ii.  ❛  a wolf in sheep's clothing ❜  ⋆ ✭ ⋆

9.30am, lacrosse field

I WAS barely awake. Cheer tryouts were well underway, taking place at the same time as the final tryouts for the lacrosse team.

We were pretty far away, the opposite end of the field, but it wasn't so far that you couldn't make out faces. I placed my PINK duffel bag on the side and began stretching- getting ready for my turn.

In the distance, I could finally see Allison approaching.

"Hey, am I late?"

"Slightly, but I think you'll be fine." I could tell she was quite nervous.

"You've got it, just start stretching and you can rely on muscle memory."

"You think so? After that long, I don't think that's how it works anymore." She doubted.

"Well with psychological muscle memory it occurs when you first build muscle, new cells are added but they don't disappear when that muscle is lost- so they stay and reactivate when you get back into it."

Allison's eyes widened as she stared at me for a few seconds, "So for short, muscle memory can actually last for around 15 years and even permanently in humans. Pretty cool, actually." I then clarified.

"What- how do you even know all of that?"

"I read." I shrugged.

We both looked over to see Coach Finstock rounding up the lacrosse players. Allison bashfully waved at Scott, who waved back. I also waved, but Scott was too dazed to even realise.

Totally whipped.

"Scott, huh?" I said, snapping her out of it.
"What?" She stumbled.
"Scott... McCall." I reiterated, "Looks like he's been peaking your interest."

"Oh! No, no. I mean- no."

I wasn't blind, they couldn't even be feet from each other without staring or an occasional glance and it had only been a day. "You can tell me. I'm no snitch, girl." I assured her, she paused for a second and looked at me.

"Isn't he like your best friend?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Girl code first though, right?" I winked, as I tied my hair up into a ponytail.

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