004. plotting

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iv.       plotting  ❜  ── .✦✮⋆˙

THE NEXT MORNING started slow, painfully slow. Not to mention how I was going to off myself if I heard the words 'Derek Hale' and 'werewolf' in the same sentence for the millionth time.

1st period was biology and I couldn't have been despising it more. The clock had barely moved.

At this point, I couldn't wait for it to be over. The teacher's voice droned on as she mumbled mundanely about the different kinds of cells.

I was just about to start focusing to pass the time but then, I heard my phone vibrate. I leaned over to my bag and slipped my hand in the front pocket to get my phone. Once I did, I began to read the message, contact name - 'Stiles'.

'Have you talked to Scott since last night?' the message read.

I don't know why he couldn't have asked me after class but I still replied because I was bored out of my mind, 'No, I don't even think I've seen him today'.

As we kept texting back and forth, I heard the bellow of my name from the front of the room.

"Miss Forbes?"

I won't lie, it scared the hell out of me. I immediately froze and looked up in response.

"What seems to be just so interesting underneath your desk?" She interrogated.

Giggles dotted here and there echoed throughout the classroom.

I paused for a second, "Nothing that you would need to worry about, you can continue."

"I'll continue when I want to continue, Amalia." She began, pacing towards my desk. "I'll also have that phone that you have in your hand too."


As she approached me with her palm out, I knew I had to think fast. Without considering the plan or the consequences at all, I shoved my phone deep into my bra and folded my arms.

Her face contorted with both shock and confusion, as did with the faces of the pupils around me. I was in now, no going back.

"Amalia, your phone."

"Unless you're gonna come and take it yourself, I'd suggest you reconsider." I retorted, all while praying that my careless front wouldn't get me a detention.

"I'm sure you'd love to reconsider your decisions today, Miss Forbes..." 

No, no, no.

"...in detention, after school."

Remember when I said I was going to off myself?

I caught a glimpse of Stiles in the corner of my eye holding in his laugh. Feeling somewhat defeated, I slumped down into my chair.

𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐂𝐊 |  S. StilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now