003. first line werewolf

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iii.     ❛  first line werewolf  ❜   .𖥔 ݁ ˖

THE NIGHT BEFORE was definitely a way to commence the semester. My head was pounding and I was exhausted, again.

I barely got any sleep and I practically had to break back into my own house at the crack of dawn.

Not to mention, this day was the first day of actual practice. When we arrived earlier in the morning, the list of girls who made the squad was plastered on the door of the girls' locker room. Allison and I made it, obviously.  But quite a few didn't... what a shame.

The cheer team consisted of no more than 20 girls and was lead by our new coach- Coach Heyes.

She was a fair blonde, around 5'10 with an athletic build. Her amber eyes were striking and narrow with her hair always in a tight, slicked back bun or ponytail. She was young, maybe late 20's or early 30's. Much more promising than the old coach, a dismal hag.

My mind started to wander again, while we made our way onto the field. I couldn't put my finger on the emotion but it almost felt like worry, anxiety.

Coach Finstock's whistle and his yelling rung through my ears, shaking me out of my thought. It was helpful, I don't like worrying- it's not my brand.

"Amalia! There you are." I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Allison standing there, duffel bag in hand. I looked at her in confusion, we were just together?

Allison eventually picked up on it, "I went to the bathroom? You said you would wait outside."

I did say that. I completely forgot.

"Oh my gosh, yeah. Sorry."

She shook her head, "It's fine." I went to walk away but she stopped me in my tracks again, "You and Stiles. You came to my house yesterday?"

I completely forgot about that too. Well, I couldn't just tell her that we were looking for the werewolf that bit Scott and could've bitten her.
I thought for a second before replying, "Yes." I finally confirmed, "Yes, we did."

"Why? Did you need something?" She asked, raising a brow.

"Actually, yeah." I responded, "We were checking if Scott had come back to your place." Which wasn't a total lie.

"Oh, why would you think he'd come back to my place?"

"I don't know, Allison. I'm not Scott." I snapped, it came out a whole lot meaner than I had intended.

She also seemed taken aback by my attitude. Honestly, it was like eight in the morning and I was running on a single red bull and my incredibly low tolerance.

I don't even drink red bull. I'd hit a new low.

I would've apologised but I didn't have the energy to lie. I wasn't sorry, I just wanted to be left alone and her plethora of questions weren't helping.

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