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"Ooh, Bailey let's go in there." Callie pointed at the dark grey building that read Make a Wish.

"Absolutely not. I'm not going in there and first of all, where did that even come from? I can promise you it wasn't there last week."

"It's a Halloween store, from the looks of it. Maybe It's a pop-up."

"You can't pop up a whole damn building and besides it's September 30th. Torres it looks shiesty."

"OK, you stay in the car and I'll go. I just want merchandise and possibly new decorations for the house."

"We're supposed to be going to lunch. Our lunch break is not that long."

"Please, Bailey."

"Alright go on, but don't take too long."

"I won't, I promise." She said excitedly, hopping out of the car.

Miranda tapped her fingers impatiently on the dashboard as she sat in the car, waiting for Callie to emerge from the Halloween store. She was honestly starting to get annoyed. "Where is she?" Miranda muttered to herself. After what felt like an eternity, she decided to go inside the store to find Callie.

Miranda walked inside and was shocked at the decor of the building. It was scary at its best. It resembled the dark den of a voodoo princess. From low ceilings hung with thin strands of purple and gold tiny lights, intertwined with dolls, dream catchers, and other disgusting-looking things.

"Hello," Miranda called out, glancing up at the things over her head. She had a bad feeling about this. She squinted her eyes at the feet of the doll hanging.

Made in China.

Just as Miranda expected, life-like, everything in here was for show.

" Hello," Miranda shouted. "Callie come on out now I'm ready to leave."

"I've been waiting on you." A woman stated appearing.

"Shit where did you come from?" She asked putting her hand over her chest.

"I've been here the whole time."

"Ok, whatever can you tell my friend to come on."


"My friend just walked in here. Brunette... yay high." She demonstrated with her hand.

"She didn't come in here."

"No, I'm not stupid. I know she just came in here. We are the only damn car in your parking lot. What did you do with her?" Miranda demanded getting pissed off. She reached into her purse looking for her phone convinced they were sex trafficking Torres.

"We didn't do anything with your friend."

"So you admit that she came in here."

"No, she didn't."

"I'm calling the police. You don't move."

"Ma'am I'm just here to grant your wish."

"So what are you a gypsy and why is my phone not working."

"No." The woman laughed insulted. She then sat down at the table that had a pot. Miranda glanced over at the dark-haired woman. She was at least 20 years older than her. So that would make her 50. Her makeup was dramatic and reminded her of a painting of Cleopatra. Her outfit looked like something purchased out of a costume store. A fortune teller complete with glittery scarf and gold earrings.

"What is this a joke? Callie, it's not funny and I'm ready to go." Miranda yelled out.

"Miranda I'm here to grant your wish and if you would let me. We both can leave."

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