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"Mmm," Miranda moaned biting her lip as her eyes fluttered open. She looked down to discover Ben under their covers. Miranda moved the covers to lay eyes on her boyfriend whose face was between her legs.

"Benjamin," she voiced lightly licking her lips again.

"Good morning," Ben whispered pausing to look at her.

"Good morning." She responded and moaned again once she felt a kiss to her clit. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I am leaving in two weeks and I haven't had enough of you...I am going to give you an orgasm every morning and night for the next two weeks." He spoke gruffly.

Miranda eye's widened but was delighted. "Is that okay with you?"

"More than okay," Miranda replied nodding her head.

"Alright then. This is how every morning shall start."

"Oh my god." His girlfriend called out as she gripped his head tightly.

Miranda orgasmed twice before falling her previously arched body on the bed.

"I know I didn't need to say this but thank you," she expressed feeling extra good.

"No problem it's literally my treat. I'm already ready for tonight,"

"I'm going to be on call some nights," Miranda informed.

"I don't care, I'll come to you. I meant what I said. Every day and night."

"I like a man of his word." She teased.

The two got dressed for work and walked inside hand and hand.

"Okay, I got an attendings meeting I will see you later," Ben spoke.

"I'll see you later, Ben Warren."

Miranda did her rounds and she had a permanent smile on her face. She heard her residents and their interns commenting about how abnormally happy she was but she didn't care. She was so so happy and well-relaxed. Inside and out.

"How was your weekend?" Callie asked as she bit into her chicken caesar wrap.

"It was completely wonderful. I mean fantastic. So we had sex the first night of being there and literally just about all day every day for the rest of the weekend."

"Bailey!" Callie shrieked.

"I know. It was the best experience of my life. I mean of course we did other things but we just couldn't stop. The sex is unbelievable, it's passionate, sensual, beautiful, intense, breathtaking, and sweet."

"Dam. I was going to mention the glow you have but I can see why."
Miranda nodded her head.
"He woke me up this morning with his face between my legs," she blushed.

"Ohhh you are so dam lucky," Callie replied wiggling her eyebrows.

"He promised me an orgasm twice a day. So I'm already anticipating tonight." Miranda giggled crossing her fingers.

"What about Tuck?"

"Tuck comes home tomorrow evening, so we still have tonight and morning to ourselves. But after that, we will be quieter,"

"I'm really happy for you, Bailey,"

Miranda smiled. "Thanks for going into that store."

"It was fate,"

"Hey Ben I'm home," Miranda announced. She had to work later than she thought. Ben brought her dinner before he went home. Sometimes she was envious of the hours anesthesiologists received. They could be home by 6 if they weren't on call.

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