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Miranda tried and failed to grip the tree trunk. Never in her life had she pictured her face being pressed into a tree. Nor did she ever see coming having sex outside letting Ben sex her from behind.

The slap of their skin was loud in their ears adding to the thrill of it all. They were supposed to be going on a nature walk but within 10 minutes of walking, Ben had her pinned against a tree. The angle was awkward, her leg held up where her knee was resting in the crook of his elbow, but neither of them cared. 

Ben was going to initially pull her down into the grass but Miranda was not having it. It was too dirty and her sweater dress would be ruined, so Ben found the next best option.

"Oh God Benjamin," Miranda moaned and he groaned, thrusting harder into her, feeling her nails digging into his neck as she reached back.

She was surprised that she could even move a muscle after last night.

*Last night*

Ben let Miranda come down for her orgasm before moving her to the bed and laying her down.

"You are absolutely gorgeous," he expressed looking her over, proud eyes examining his art. Taking in every ounce of her naked body. "Like so sexy."

Miranda giggled and used her pointer finger to usher him closer. Ben crawled onto the bed and over her. He kissed her lips before moving down to her neck, nipping her skin gently. Miranda gasped and rubbed his head.

She couldn’t form a coherent thought at that moment. She could only get lost in the sensation of what he was doing to her body. She felt on fire as he kissed and licked his way down her neck, stopping to bite and suck at a random spot of his choosing. Miranda was panting by the time he reached her chest. He looked up at her and flashed a smile before he lowered his head and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

She ran her hands down his rippling back as far as they would go and ran her nails back up, making him groan. His hand traveled down her body sending thrilling pleasure shocks up and down her spine.

Ben's eyes turned black as his fingers plunged inside her folds. He bit his lip when he felt her wetness dripping and pooling still. His finger brushed against her gspot and Miranda almost shot off the bed. It felt so good. His eyes open wide at her reaction. This was not the first time he had found that spot.

"You okay?" He asked curiously.

"I'm completely fine. Just sensitive from the first orgasm and waiting all that time from the last time you touched me there." She explained.

"I won't wait as long ever again, I promise," He replied as he found it again and began stroking it in circles. Miranda moaned in response and bucked her hips to the motion of his finger. Ben caressed her face and pushed her back to lay flat on the bed again as he still circled that very sensitive area.

Miranda pulled him down for a kiss and their tongues mingled together.

"Ben I need you to fuck me," she told him urgently. He was about to make her cum again with his fingers but she wanted to come undone with him inside of her.

Ben pulled his hands away and placed them in his mouth and licked her essence away before pushing her legs apart and lining himself up at her entrance. He rubbed himself up and down her wetness pressing against her clit a couple of times.

"Ohhh baby please," she whined arching her back, trying to get him inside of her.

Ben did the honors and pushed inside of her. Miranda released a strangled moan and bit her lip. Ben felt his whole body light on fire. He knew that it was supposed to feel good but he never could have imagined that it would feel this good. It was a brand-new experience for him and he was delighted. He knew what to do and how to please her but he didn't know that it would please him tremendously.

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