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Miranda woke up and noted her head placed on Ben's chest. Their legs were tangled together and she enjoyed the feeling of being in his embrace.

They spent almost half the night talking. She picked his mind about so much. He was such a sweet individual. He asked her about surgery and she loved how fascinated he was in her response. She had never met someone who was solely interested in her. He wanted to know all of her dislikes and likes about anything.

She told him about her parents, her son, and her ex-husband. Laughing at every facial expression he showed. Clearly, he was just as displeased with Tucker as she was. Ben balled his fist up and shook in anger when Miranda told him how Tucker made her feel. He also shared things from his database, indeed telling her where she went wrong in that previous relationship and she needed to honestly hear it.

"Good morning," Ben whispered opening his eyes and looking down.

"Good Morning," Miranda replied sitting up some but ultimately was held down by Ben who pulled her closer.

"I like this," he commented pulling her on top of him.

Miranda placed her hands on his chest as she sat up and looked down at him, giving him a smile.

"Me too," she admitted.

"Does this mean I can lay beside you at night now,"

Miranda pursed her lips thinking. "We shall see."

"You said you weren't comfortable the first time. You look comfortable now."

Miranda chuckled and moved her bang out of her face. Giving him another bright smile. "We shall see,"

She then gasped and looked down. Ben's hard-on was pressed against her. "Benjamin," she whispered. It turned her on instantly.

"I'm sorry," he apologized sheepishly.

"It's okay, come on let's get up so we can go get something to eat, go home, and get cleaned up, we are gonna be late to work." She returned sliding off of him.

Miranda took a shower and was dressed for work. Ben drove them, letting the top down. She took in people's stares as he opened the car door and held his hand out for her.

She held it up until they were walking through the hospital door. Ben looked over at her questionably.

"I'm not this open," she responded and he nodded.

"Have a good day Dr. Miranda Bailey."

"You too Dr. Warren." She said and watched as he walked away. She stared at him as he walked down the hall and bit her lip.

"Looks like you two are getting along well."

"Sorta," Miranda blushed.

"Well, now you definitely have to spill."

'Spill what?" Miranda asked her shoulders tense.

She watched as Callie smirked and pointed to her shoulders. "You like him." She cheesed.

"I'm starting to,"

"Well, what changed?"

"Last night is what?"

"Ohhhh you two?" She questioned wiggling her eyebrows.

Miranda looked around before speaking. "No, last night he'd made dinner but I wasn't really interested. He wanted us to have a romantic setting and get to know each other. I was rude and mean to him. So, he grabbed his shoes, coat, and wallet and left. At first, I thought good but then I went into the bathroom and he had the most relaxing bath put together. He made my favorite meal and I felt so bad. So I went and found him and he was at the Embassy Hotel. He was just coming out of the shower and had that towel wrapped around his waist. The water was just dripping down and I was trying to apologize but he was distracting me. So I ask him to put a shirt on"

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