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Miranda slammed her tools down as Derek called out the time of death. She blew out a breath. It was not supposed to be like this. "She was a teacher and a mother," Miranda whispered sadly.

Upset, she snatched her gown off and her mask before walking out.

Ben was walking down the hallway and he could read Miranda. Sadness and disappointment filled her body from head to toe.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" He asked as she walked passed him.

"Nothing," she pushed walking off.

Ben caught up to her and grabbed her hand. He spun and lifted her before she could even protest.

Finding the nearest on-call room he walked inside and sat on the bed with her. Miranda cried into his neck as he rubbed her back.

"What happened?"

"I lost my patient. She was a wonderful woman. I have been treating her for 2 years now." She sniffled.

"Everybody has a time. I'm sorry that this was hers. I wish I could make you feel better."

"You are, just being here. You are comforting me"

"I know I was made to do this but I love you Miranda, I am in love with you."

Miranda pulled back to look him in the eyes. All she could see was pure love.

"I am in love with you too. Honestly, I love you so much." Miranda expressed sincerely.

"I want to take you on a date tonight. If that's okay with you. If you don't feel like it because of this situation-

"I would love to go out with you,"

"Okay great and I have a Winery date planned for us tomorrow."

"You've been planning stuff all week,"

"I know I figured we would go out with a bang,"

"The last two nights we have this week. We don't have to do anything other than lay in bed. I just want to be with you. I'm going to take off work and we will spend every waking moment together. I was thinking I could go back to Zora and get her to make it so you can stay."

"I don't think it works like that. She doesn't have more time to give,"

Miranda looked at Ben and cried again. She didn't want to let him go and time was flying and had flew by. "I really wasted a whole week of us," she cried big tears.

"It's okay, you shouldn't have been expected to adapt to me on the first week. It's not right that I just popped up the way I did."

"Come on let's go to dinner,"

Miranda decided on a black midi dress. She curled her hair and did her makeup. She was excited to go out with Ben. Other than their vacation, the bar, hospital, hotel, and home they hadn't been anywhere out together. She wanted to show him all of Seattle before it was time to go.

"Thank you for dinner tonight and just being here," Miranda smiled when they walked inside.

"Can I tie you up?" Ben asked suddenly when he closed the door of their apartment.

Miranda gasped "Where did you learn that?"

"I read it,"

"Mmmm, what else did you read?"

"A whole lot of stuff,"

Miranda gave him a sexy smile. "You can do anything you want to me,"

"Good," Ben replied licking his lips and pulling her clothes off and walking with her into the bedroom.

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