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"Ok, Benjamin Warren. Here's how this is going to go. I'm going to do my own thing and you will do your own thing for the rest of the month." She expressed, buckling her seatbelt. She thought about dropping him off somewhere and never looking back, but if he truly wasn't real then he probably didn't have proper ID and other things that he would need. She could handle 30 days of him being in her home.

"What does that entail?" Ben questioned starting the car.

"Separate. Alone. You do you and I do me."

"Couples are supposed to do stuff together." He said confused.

"You can't force me to do anything I don't want to do. You care about me right?"

"Yes absolutely." He said quickly.

"Then you would leave me alone."

"Ok." Ben agreed but was still confused. "Does that mean I have to cancel what I had planned today?"

"That's exactly what it means." She nodded, putting her headphones in.

"Are you sure because this is supposed to be a big event and all of the actors will be there to sign autographs and tee-shirts." He explained, looking over at her.

Miranda nodded her head to the music she was listening to and Ben drove them home. He opened her car door once again and she thanked him.

Racing into her apartment she walked into her room and shut the door, locking it once again. She picked up her phone and dialed Callie's number, hoping she would pick up.


"Torres I wasn't crazy yesterday. There was a woman and she granted me a wish." Miranda said frantically. She heard the front door shut, so she knew Ben was in the house.

"Really, What was the wish?"

"I kinda sort of asked for a man. I 100% was joking, but I woke up this morning and a man was cooking in my kitchen."

"Miranda I--"

"I'm serious come over and see for yourself."

"I am at work."

"Then come when you get off."

"I will. What does the man look like?"

"He is tall, muscular build,  brown skin, brown eyes, low cut. He's gorgeous, but that's beside the point.

"This is insane Bailey."

"How do you think I feel? I went back today and she will not take him back. She said that she can't and to let the magic run out." She huffed and then heard a knock at the door.

"Hold on Torres... yes."

"Hey Miranda, just letting you know that I'm leaving to go to --" Ben started.

"You don't have to tell me that," Miranda responded irritated.

"Oh. I just thought you should know."

"You're your own person remember."

"Right...  see you later."

"Ok. Bye."

"Was that him?"

"Yes." She rolled her eyes.

"I know I said this before but this is crazy."

"We should have never stopped at that store yesterday. I told you it was shiesty. Now look at the mess I'm in."

"Maybe this will be good for you."

"Good how?"

"Having someone around. You've been lonely."

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