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Ben woke up the next morning and looked towards the other side of his bed. It was completely different from how he woke up yesterday. Miranda was lying on his chest and her leg was thrown across his. Checking the time he slid out of bed and got up to make breakfast again and to prepare her lunch.

"Ahh shit." Miranda jumped coming into the kitchen fully dressed and ready for work. She should have been prepared to see him, but she thought yesterday was a dream.

"Are you going to scream every time you see me?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, this is going to take a while for me to get used to." Miranda waved.

"Ok. I made you a breakfast sandwich and coffee. I put it in this travel mug so it will stay hot for a while. I also made your lunch, it has silverware and napkins packed inside." He listed out, then pointed to the lunch box.

Miranda smiled lightly, now this she could get used to.

"Thanks, Ben. I guess I will see you when I get home."

"What time do you get off? I was thinking we could go out to dinner tonight."

Miranda wanted to roll her eyes, but she refrained. "I don't know, my hours are iffy."


"Not predictable."

"Ok got it."

"Where would one find that word?"

"The dictionary."


After Miranda left Ben took a shower and got dressed for work. Today was his first day at Seattle Grace and he was nervous. He met with the department head and they toured him around. He had two surgeries he was scheduled for today and the rest would be simple procedures.

"Excuse me miss? Can you tell me where the OR board is?"

"New here?"

"Yes, Today's my first day. I did a tour but I can't remember exactly where that was."

"It's okay. It took me a week to figure it out myself."

"It's on the 3rd floor by the nurses station."

"Thank you so much."

"What department are you in?"


"Wow Ok."

"Why do you look shocked?"

"Because most anesthesiologists are old."

"Ah, I see." He laughed. "That is true. 72 % of all anesthesiologists in the US are 40 are up." He replied after checking his database.

"Right. They don't look as good as you do either." She flirted.

Ben smiled. He believed that she was flirting with him. It kind of made him feel good, but then it didn't because he was with Miranda.

"Thank you for the compliment. Have a great day."

As he was walking up to the board he stopped in his tracks, staring at the side of Miranda. She really was a beautiful woman. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail and she was holding charts. Walking over he stood beside her just looking for his name on the board. Deciding not to say anything he found his name and walked over to the nurses station.

"B. Warren," Miranda repeated confused, looking at the name under anesthesiologist for her exploratory laparoscopy.

Miranda turned her head getting ready to hand her charts in and that's when she saw him. She looked him up and down in his blue scrubs and she had to admit that was a turn-on. He made those look extremely good. His brown skin contrasted against the navy blue. If she wasn't mad at him for stalking her she would have maybe complimented him, but instead, she did the opposite. Marching over she grabbed his arm roughly.

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