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"Good evening," Ben greeted happily when Miranda walked through the door.

"Hey," Miranda returned dryly as she took her jacket off and hung it up. Ultimately tired from work.

"I can help untie your shoes," Ben offered.

"Not necessary, and what all this?" She asked looking around the room. There were candles lit and music was playing softly. A beautiful bouquet was on the center of the dining table.

"I figured we could have a nice romantic dinner so we can get to k-

"No," Miranda snapped cutting him off.

"I made your favorite, Mac and cheese and-

"I really don't care what you made Ben. I said no-

Ben stared at Miranda and he blew out a breath. He had been working for hours to cook her favorite meal. He re-did the Mac and cheese with crumb toppings twice because he wanted it to be up to her liking. He was putting his best foot forward and trying with them and she was just cold, rude, and inconsiderate. He felt anger boiling and he needed to leave. All these unpleasant emotions were too much for him. He had never experienced this before until he was placed here. He would rather be unplugged and laid in a box with so much dust than be treated mean, disregarded, and disrespected.

Ben walked passed Miranda and went to the closet. He placed his jacket on and slid his shoes on before walking back to the counter to grab his wallet and keys.
"What are you doing ?" Miranda asked staring at him moving around.

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

"You're not my boyfriend." She stressed

"Good, because for you to be the most beautiful woman in the world, you are absolutely mean and you don't treat me good. I don't want to keep doing this. I read what a couple and boyfriend means and it's not this." Ben threw back as he opened her apartment door and slammed it closed.

Miranda blew out a breath. "If I knew it was that easy I would have been argued." She said in relief.

She then walked to her bedroom and went inside the bathroom. The tub was filled with bubbles and it had a nice scent. She looked around and saw the Epson salt and relaxing candles that smelt really good. The vanilla scent was alluring.

Miranda sighed and walked back out into the kitchen and she casted her eyes on the two plates on top of the stove. There was a beautiful and perfectly cooked ribeye and broccoli. "Ohhh Mac and cheese with crumb toppings," she mused happily. Immediately grabbing a fork to try it.

"Mmmm," she sounded licking her lips, scooping up another fork full.

"Dam that's really good."

Looking at Ben's plate, she sighed, now feeling horrible that he stormed out of here and she let him go. He was right, all he was trying to do was make her happy but she was cold and wouldn't let him.

She grabbed her phone and dialed his number but he didn't answer. Trying again, she got the same outcome. Deciding to text him, she waited to see if he would text her back.

Ben drove to a hotel and he got himself a room. He sat on the bed and placed his face inside of his hands. Miranda was just a frustrating individual.

His phone rang and he placed it on the nightstand, ignoring who he knew was Miranda.

Miranda picked up the scroll and tapped it. "Excuse me, where did he go?"

"Where did who go?"

"Ben. I know you know."

"I do know, but I'm not inclined to tell you."

October Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now