A/N: The song is an hour loop, so if it's still going when you get to the end, that's why. But you'll see why I wanted this one if you couldn't guess from the song itself!
It has now been two weeks since the news of the betrayal of the Jedi has been spread across the galaxy. In the Mandalorian system, the remnants of Death Watch still seek to overthrow Bo-Katan and her allies. By any means necessary, even by destroying people and cities of other Mandalorian worlds. Something that they had never sunk so low to do before.
It is because of this that Bo-Katan, the leaders of the Mandalorian clans, and their children have all gathered in the throne room of the Sundari palace. The Mand'alor has just received a transmission from her and her late sister's homeworld of Kalevala. A distress call, from a city called Arpat on the Southernmost peninsula.
The woman in the transmission seems almost terrified as she says, "My Mand'alor, we are under attack from the remnants of Kyr'tsad. We have no weapons here and most of the city has been taken captive. Gedet'ye, help us, we don't stand a chance against them."
Then the transmission ends and not a moment later, it is Fenn Rau who speaks the unfortunate reality. "How are we going to help them? We have to stay here to help rebuild the cities that suffered under Maul's rule. The leaders of the clans must stay on Mandalore, as well as the majority of our forces. We do not have the manpower to pull this off."
After a few moments pass, it is Aalar Beroya who speaks his mind first. "What if we went? A relatively small group of people my age, like Nya, Sabine, and Tristan. We have enough battle experience to fend off remnants of Death Watch, and this way you would still be on Mandalore to drive off the larger sects and to rebuild Sundari and the other cities."
Although he seemed confident in his idea, Aalar still looks to his father with doubt, and Rhett gives him a small nod of reassurance, that is just barely caught by Nya. She knows that Aalar is having to step into a role he has never thought of being in, because the role he now fulfills was supposed to be Videk's. And as she thinks back to how lost she felt at times when the Clone Wars first began, an idea comes to mind. So the young heir to Mandalore voices her opinion.
"I think it's a good idea. The people in Arpat, and the people on the whole planet, need help to defend themselves from Kyr'tsad. The woman was right, they have no weapons there because Kalevalans were, perhaps, the most staunch supporters of the New Mandalorian ways. If some warriors our age went, then most could stay here, but Kalevala is still protected."
"It is a good idea," Ursa says, a nod from her husband echoing her thoughts. "I think it would be good for them, as well."
Bo-Katan nods first. "All right, if all agree, then that's what we will do. Nya and Aalar will select a team of young warriors to take to Kalevala, and they will defend the Arpat from the Death Watch remnants. As well as help to rebuild the city."
All of the clan leaders, some hesitantly, some not, nod their heads. When the matter has been settled, Bo-Katan and the clan leaders continue their meeting. While their children all leave the throne room. Nya walks very nearly shoulder to shoulder with Aalar Beroya, who seems to be quite nervous.
"Are you all right?" she asks in a low voice, not wanting to be overheard.
"Fine," Aalar tells her, his voice filled with nervousness.
Nya stops, and when Sabine passes her by, the young Kryze woman whispers in her cousin's ear. Telling her to go ahead out of the palace, and that Nya and Aalar will join them soon. Even at Sabine's questioning look, Nya does not elaborate on what she really meant, only standing still until Sabine leaves.

Commander of Wolves
ActionAbandoned in the snow on Krownest and adopted by Mandalorian warrior Bo-Katan Kryze, then brought the the Jedi Temple at four years old, Nyathera Kryze, the first Mandalorian Jedi in a thousand years, must now adapt to a war raging all around her. W...