Chapter Twenty-Four: Aliit be Akaan

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Bail and the other delegates from the Rebel Alliance let their faces go slack and their eyes widen. Each of them had privately had their doubts that the Mand'alor join them and would not decide to keep her planet and her people out of their war. They each also knew that in her assessment, she was right. The rebels wouldn't stand a chance without the famed Verde Manda'yaim. Or the Jedi, who were currently temporary Mandalorian citizens.

It takes a moment, but eventually Bail and Breha find their voices and both thank the Mand'alor for deciding to join the Rebel Alliance. Nya takes her seat again and says

"Before we move forward in our agreement, there are a few things I would like to make clear. Both to the Rebel Alliance and to the group of New Mandalorians. For the Rebel Alliance, the first is, if we do succeed in destroying the Empire, Mandalore will remained neutral in our alignment. We will not join a new Republic. And second, my warriors will not be used as bodyguards for dignitaries and leaders. They are verde, they have earned their beskar'gam, and they will be treated as such."

"Understood," Queen Breha says softly. "We will relay your agreement and your terms to the rest of the alliance, Mand'alor Kryze."

"Vor'e." Nya then turns in her throne to face the representatives of the New Mandalorians. "As for the New Mandalorians, those that want to fight will fight, if they do not, they will be put to work in other ways. Some may make blasters and other weapons that we will have need of. Others will be of use on the farms, particularly those of Clan Fett as they supply much of the system's food. I will not let Mandalore become dependent on outsiders, if your people wish to remain under the protection of the Mand'alor, they will help."

"Our people would be honored to serve, Mand'alor," says a young woman of Clan Merrik, who is also a representative of the New Mandalorians.

"Jate. Before we adjourn and the dignitaries from the alliance return to their home worlds, there is one last thing I would like to say to you all. We are Mandalore, we are not one clan, but instead are many clans who come together to bring kote cuun droten. We are set to begin a long campaign, but we are still Mando'ade. And Mando'ade are always akaan'uliikise. Aliit alor's and Alor'riduur's, meet me in my office at 0800, sharp. This meeting is adjourned."

The alii'aliit members nod to their Mand'alore, who stands with her Alor'riduur, as they themselves begin to stand. Bail, Breha, and Apailana make their way up to the dais in order to speak to Nya, although Jar Jar stay behind to talk to the only Jedi with enough patience to listen to him, Obi-Wan.

"I wanted to thank you again for agreeing to join our alliance, Nya. It must have been a difficult decision for you," Bail tells her.

"It was a difficult decision, but thankfully my riduur has a rather gifted mind for strategy. And has had to endure many long-winded rants from his vod'ike about politics, so he understands them to a point," Nya says with a gentle smile and soft eyes, an expression that does not seem to fit her projected image with her beskar armor and blasters.

"That seems a very good thing indeed," Breha tells the younger woman as they begin to walk out of the room, Apailana gesturing to Jar Jar to follow them. "And, between you and I, I am very glad you and Bo-Katan were able to keep Mandalore from the hands of the Empire. I shudder to think what would happen if that were indeed the case."

"As do I. It was good to see you again, Breha. Even if it was for a council of war."

Breha nods and leans a bit closer to Nya, a smile on her face. "A question for you, leaving aside the talk of war, from woman to woman," Nya regards the Alderaani queen suspiciously, "are you and Wolffe considering children?"

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