Chapter 6

3.1K 111 28

"Hello" - Speaking

'Hello' - Thinking

Hello - System Talking

-Ogre Dungeon-

In the ogre dungeon, I was leveling up my saber class and leveling up my Digimon partner, Vixen too. We have a level up quite a lot while defeating a lot of ogres. Most of the ogres are around level 75 or higher and they wear armor with red marks on them. I check our status to see our progress so far.

Keith Vermillion

LVL - 135

Class - Saber - LVL (35/100)

Sub-Class - Alchemist - LVL (25/50)

Race - Human

HP - 9100 [1820 per min]

MP - 26300 [13150 per min]

STR - 405

END- 455

DEX - 475

INT - 1315

WIS - 1315

CHA - 640

LUK - 215

Points - Locked

HP = END X 20

HP Regen = END X 4

MP = INT X 20

MP Regen = WIS X 10



Race: Kyubimon

Level: Champion (28/30)

Moves: Dragon Wheel, Fox Tail Inferno, Fox Attack, Touhakken

Vixen is very close to evolving into her Ultimate level, just needs a few more enemies to fight and she becomes stronger than before. Some more ogres came charging at her and she was ready for them.

Vixen: "Fox Tail Inferno!"

She shoots nine blue fireballs from her nine tails and kills every ogre with each fireball.

Vixen: "Ha! Pathetic!

With that, she has reached her maximum level in her champion form.

Vixen has reached Maxed Level

Vixen can now evolve into its next stage!

You do wish to evolve Vixen into Ultimate Level now?


Before I could press the screen, suddenly we heard a roar that scared us by surprise.

?: Rooooooooooooar!

We looked in the direction of what the roar coming from and we saw a new kind of ogre coming from the woods. He was a huge ogre that he was way bigger than any ogre we had faced before. He was wearing black and red armor and also duel-wielding with two big swords.

Ogre Berserker

LVL - 100

Rank - Veteran

HP - 22000

STR - 1100 x 2 = 2200

END - 1000 x 2 = 2000

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