Chapter 9

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Hello" - Speaking

'Hello' - Thinking

Hello - System Talking


This morning, I did some cooking with Sakuya's help and my chef class has leveled up to level ten! I guess cooking classes are harder to level up even with a perk that levels up twice as fast!

Chef - LVL (10/50)

[Cooking Proficiency (Apprentice)] (Passive)

Gained knowledge on how to cook decent meals

Cooked meals give a small stat boost.

I make some chocolate chip cookies just for Koneko when I give them to her since she likes chocolate!

[Chocolate Chip Cookie]

5% boost to END for 1 hour when eaten.

Not bad, but could be better when I leveled up Chef to a higher level all the foods that I will make going to change everything.


Location: Kuoh Academy

It was lunchtime, me and Koneko are sat down at the tree and ate our lunch while Rias and Akeno walked up to us.

Rias: "Hello Koneko, Keith! Can we sit next to you?"

She asked, before me and Koneko nodded, staring at them as Akeno sat next to me and Rias sat next to Koneko.

Akeno: "So, Keith? Are you pretty close with Koneko?"

She asked with her usual teasing voice.

Keith: "Yeah, she is my best friend, so yeah we are very close."

I answered without looking at her.

Akeno: "I see, so close enough to be called girlfriend and boyfriend. Ufufufu~"

She said before eating her lunch Koneko almost choked eating her food before she blushed while looking away as she felt embarrassed.

Koneko: *Cough* *Cough* "S-Shut up, Akeno!"

Akeno: "Ara ara, how cute you are Koneko!"

Koneko: "I said shut up!"

Keith: "Well, I don't mind going on a date with you, Koneko!"

That causes Koneko to blush even harder as her face is almost as red as Rias' hair.

Koneko: "S-S-Shut up...Baka!"

10 Affection with Koneko (80/100)

Rias: "Come on guys, can you stop teasing Koneko."

Keith/Akeno: "Okay!"

After lunchtime was over, Koneko and Akeno went to their next classes, but Rias wanted to talk to me for some reason.

Rias: "Hey Keith, can I talk to you for a minute?"

Keith: "Oh sure, what is it?!"

Rias: "Did Sona ask you to join her peerage?"

Keith: "Yes, but I declined her offer, but she is okay with it!"

Rias: "I see, well I hope that I don't you bad impressions for trying to make you join my peerage!"

Keith: "None at all, I prefer we being friends than being a servant to you."

10 Affection with Rias Gremory (40/100)

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