Chapter 20

1.9K 61 13

"Hello" - Speaking

'Hello' - Thinking

Hello - System Talking

In the morning, I woke from my sleep and saw that Koneko was still asleep and she lying on my chest, so I slipped away without waking her up as I left the room.

I decided to go to the dungeon to level up Cryomancer to max level and bring Tamamo with me to get some more Saint Quartz.

Keith: "Hey, Tamamo are you around here?"

Tamamo appears out of her spirit form in front of me.

Tamamo: "Of course, husband."

Keith: "We are going to the dungeon again!"

Tamamo: "Okay"

Keith: Let go!

[ID: Dragon]

We were teleported to the new dragon dungeon after finishing the demon dungeon we stood in the middle of a forest with rivers and different kinds of trees in the area as Tamamo was surprised about different locations than the last one.

Tamamo: "Wow, this one is different"

Keith: "We are in a dragon dungeon that might filled with creatures related to dragons!"

Tamamo: "Okay!"

Then, we spotted a group of lizard creatures with wings and holding weapons.

Dragonewt Soldier (x10)


HP - 12500

I know that dragonewt is related to dragons, so my ice dragon slayer is the best choice for this dungeon.

Keith: "Ice Dragon Roar!"

I unleashed a storm of jagged ice from my mouth at the group of dragonewt as they were ripped to shred my attack. Then, some more dragonewt came from the air as they were flying in the air, I used my flaming wings to fly in the air to attack them.

Keith: "Ice Dragon's Freezing Claws!"

I slice and dice the flying dragonewt with my frozen dragon claws as I kill them all.

Keith: "That was fun! Time to grind!"


After a few hours of killing every dragon-related enemy from dragonewts to the wyvern, Tamamo gained around 30 levels, a huge progress from before, and gained 30 Saint Quartz from her leveling up!

My Cryomancer class and Ice Dragon Slayer have reached level 95 and I'm very close to completing them as they arrive at a giant cave where the boss of this dungeon might be.

Then we see a dragon, a black-scaled dragon, rising from the cave. I could feel the power coming from the dragon as I used to observe on the dragon.

Black Dragon

Title: Boss of Dragon Dungeon

Lvl - 150

Rank - Veteran

HP - 50000

MP - 70000

STR - 2000

END - 2500

DEX - 1500

INT - 1750

WIS - 1700

CHA - 1300

LUK - 1200

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