Chapter 14🍋

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"Hello" - Speaking

'Hello' - Thinking

Hello - System Talking

-Next Day: Morning-

One breakfast later and after some interaction with the girls, I headed out for school.

Once I arrived at Kuoh Academy I saw there were still a few minutes left till class so I took a detour to the student council room. Once in I started chatting with Sona and her peerage.

Sona seems to be calmer and happier after our date. Tsubaki is happy about me dating Sona and seems that she trying to get closer to me, it looks like I'm going to get another relationship with Students Council members.

As for the others when it seems that I'm not looking they stare intensely at me, when I look at them they turn around and try their best not to show their red cheeks. Looks like I am getting more admirers very soon.

Anyway, once class time was in session I said my goodbyes to the student council and headed to class.


I was in the middle of class occupying myself with doing some school work, all until the door opened gaining the attention of the whole class, in the doorway stood Akeno looking as nice as ever.

Akeno: ''Please excuse me for the intrusion, but I was sent to retrieve Keith on behalf of my president''

Taking that as my cue to stop doing some work, I followed Akeno after the teacher gave the good-to-go response for me to leave. On the way, I decided to do something very bold while there was nobody around to see us.

As I gently grabbed her waist and brought her body closer she was a bit surprised, but soon she regained her usual smile as she started holding my arm in between her assets.

10 Affection with Akeno (40/100)

Akeno: "Oh my touching a beautiful lady while nobody is around, huh? You're a naughty boy, Keith! <3~"

Keith: "Ha! What can I say I can't resist a beautiful lady like yourself~!"

10 Affection with Akeno (50/100)

Peak was rewarded for reaching 50 Affection with Akeno

[Onee-chan's Favorite] - Akeno [50]

Girls with the big sister personality trait will be drawn to you.

Affection and Reputation gain is faster with 'Onee-chans'

Akeno: "Ara Ara~!"

Finally arriving at the ORC, we parted from each other much to her disappointment as we went inside. Once inside I noticed that everyone was present like they would usually be but what was unusual was the atmosphere.

It felt rather tense... Rias was looking very troubled along with Koneko and Kiba. But most bizarrely there was an extra guest in the room which was Grayfia, and she was looking just as uneasy as the rest.

When I and Akeno arrived, the reactions varied quite a bit. Rias and Koneko were happy, Kiba was shaking a bit but forced himself to smile and Grayfia looked impassively at me.

Rias: ''Good... everyone is here, now we can start me-''

Before she could even speak she was interrupted by a magic circle appearing in the middle of the room, and it did not stop there. In the same instant, it appeared the magic circle burst into flames that did not burn the carpets. That's the interesting thing about having a high skill in fire magic it doesn't burn anything until you want to.

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